LIBER TAU vel KABBALAE TRUIM LITERARUM sub FIGURA CD The Magister Templi, the Adeptus, the Neophyte [8=3, 5=6, 0=0] The Ultimate Illusion, the Illusion of Force, the Illusion of Matter. The Functions of the 3 Orders: Silence in Speech; Silence; Speech in Silence: Construction, Preservation, Destruction. The Supreme Unveiling (or Unveiling of Light), the Unveiling of Life, the Unveiling of Love. Equilibrium; on the Cubic Stone, on the Path, and among the Shells. The Rituals of Initiation, 8=3, 5=6, 0=0: Asar, as Bull, as Man, as Sun. The Ordeals of Initiation, 8=3, 5=6, 0=0: Birth, Death, Resurrection. ************************************************************************* LIBER TAU vel KABBALAE ... --- Liber CD --- by Crowley Original key entry by Fr. H.B. in New York 1/24/90 e.v. ASCII conversion by Bill Heidrick, T.G. of O.T.O. --- may need further proof reading Copyright (c) Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O. P.O.Box 430 Fairfax, CA 94930 USA (415) 454-5176 ---- messages only. LIMITED LICENSE Except for notations added to the history of modification, the text on this diskette down to the next row of asterisks must accompany all copies made of this file. In particular, this paragraph and the copyright notice are not to be deleted or changed on any copies or print-outs of this file. With these provisos, anyone may copy this file for personal use or research. Copies may be made for others at reasonable cost of copying and mailing only, no additional charges may be added. ************************************************************************* This is a single page in the correct format, but that format includes features which cannot be reproduced in ASCII. Here is a description: In the top quarter of the page is an elongated Hebrew letter Taw, and within this letter are all the other Hebrew letters except Taw, arranged in three rows and seven columns. These Hebrew letters proceed from right to left thusly: 1st row: ZAIN VAU HEH DALET GIMEL BET ALEPH 2nd row: NUN MEM LAMED KAPH YOD TET CHET 3rd row: SHIN RESH QOF TZADDI PE AYIN SAMEKH The text given below is presented vertically below each of the seven columns, beginning on the right. The text is bordered on right and left by lotus wands. --- Bill Heidrick *************************************************************************