LIBER MCCCLXIV THE GREEK QABALAH BY ALEISTER CROWLEY. The short form Reconstructed from surviving index slips -- with an Introduction and technical notes. Copyright (c) Ordo Templi Orientis {9} A.'. A.'. Publication in Class B {Seal of the A.'.A.'.} Imprimatur: H. A. Fra. A.'. A.'. An. LXXIV e.n. {10} THE GREEK QABALAH "A complete Dictionary of all sacred and important words and phrases given in the Books of the Gnosis and other important writings both in the Greek and the Coptic." -- "from" The Curriculum of A.'. A.'. This work has been lost for many years, and perhaps the greater part of it will remain lost for many more. The present form of Liber MCCLXIV, provided here, is a compilation made from a photocopy of the small slips of paper left by Crowley and Leah Hirsig. These slips have been preserved by Frater N, known otherwise as G. Y.<> Many of them have been lost. Many more would have been written to complete the work. Some idea of the loss can be obtained through use of this work. References to items not found are frequent. Omissions are notable: GR:Theta-epsilon-lambda-eta-mu-alpha = 93, GR:Alpha-gamma-alpha-pi-eta = 93, GR:Alpha-Beta-Rho-Alpha-Sigma-Alpha-Xi = 365, to provide examples. The work does not go far toward its goal of dealing with the Gnosis in Greek or Coptic, but there are unannounced turns of emphasis that are most valuable. In particular, considerable labor has been expended on elucidating passages and words found in LIBER AL, and English words generally. Some Hebrew entries have been added. The Greek Lexicon probably used by Crowley in this work survives, and contains many notes, including: "Began to mark words etc for the Greek Qabalah An. XV (1919) Sol in Gemini." 93 Press hopes to be able to sift this lexicon at some future date for additional entries to THE GREEK QABALAH. The reference is Liddell and Scott Greek Dictionary -- words lacking English meanings here would be best furnished them through use of that dictionary. The present editor has abstained from adding many of these English meanings owing to the likelihood of error in Crowley's emphasis. Notes on the more difficult entries will be found after the text. Very simple words, having obvious meanings, have been provided with English meanings in a distinctive type face. Where Crowley or Hirsig have provided the English meanings, these have been distinguished by the same type face used in this introduction. A summary of the meanings of the different type faces will be found just after this introduction.<> Crowley noted the following Principles of working on the fly leaf of his Liddell and Scott: "1. Avoid compounds. 2. Collect prefixes, their numbers to be learnt by heart, so that people can add 'em on for trials and then use dict. "(most frequently forms of the definite article: "GR:eta", "GR:omicron", "GR:tau-omicron", etc., to judge by Crowley's usage)." 3. Put genitives, futures etc in sub-line. 4. Make separate dictionary of roots. "Could I refer to other numbers of same root: e.g. to Aion put the number of aionios aionobios k.t.l.?" "I shall make it a rule to take no notice of any Greek Qabalah that is not fortified by exterior circumstances; i.e. of nothing purely potential." {11} It is the hope of this editor that persons will be found willing to enlarge this work through their own researches. Briefly, these are the most important classes and types of sources from which to draw the Greek: Classical: The works of Homer (most important of all sources). Platonic: The Timaeus, The Republic. Neoplatonic: works by Plotinus, Porphyry and Iamblichus. Gnostic: the Codex Brucianus (Bruce MS 96, Bod. Lib. Oxford) -- especially the portion published by Charlotte A. Baynes in 1933 e.v. as "A Coptic Gnostic Treatise Contained in the Codex Brucianus." Osirian: The New Testament and the Septuagint of Ptolemy II. Many other valuable sources abound; but these, in particular the Classic and the Gnostic examples, will be found to provide the most help. Where difficulty is experienced in finding Greek and English texts, consult Lynn Thorndike's History of Magic & Experimental Science, Columbia University Press, several editions. Coptic texts and translations may be found in the library collections of the larger universities, the following table by Budge should help in determining the number values: {This table of Egyptian and Coptic Numbers has been omitted from the electronic edition}. ... {12} Greek and Hebrew numeric equivalents will be found at the bottom of several pages in the text to follow. Here are examples of the meanings of the different type faces used in this version of Crowley's The Greek Qabalah: {In this electronic edition, prefatory abbreviations are used instead, as noted} alpha-beta-gamma-delta-lambda ... Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta-Lambda ... The Greek words and notes. In a few obvious cases, involving English transliterations, these have been added by the editor -- otherwise they are original. HB:HDGBA ... Hebrew entries. "HB:HDGBA" ... In text notes to the Hebrew entries. ...Arabic (one entry described) abcde ... ABCDE ... meanings to the entries written either by Crowley or Hirsig. ED:abcde ... ED:ABCDE ... meanings added by the editor. CH:abcde ... CH:ABCDE ... notes to the entries by Crowley or Hirsig. [ED:abcde ... ED:ABCDE] similar notes added by the editor. [NB:ABCDE ... NB:abcde...] English words from the original or from obvious Greek transliterations in the original. (N1) (N2) (N3) (N4) ... Notes to be found in the back of the work. Special symbols in the text: *...This symbol is used to identify entries in which Crowley has counted the value 6 for Digamma (Stau) but written sigma-tau (500, the modern method of rendering the archaic letter Stau). In these instances, the form corresponding to the value taken has been used here. @...Crowley has used an odd abbreviation, {ligature of two letters, an "o" trailing off to cross a Theta}, to represent the Greek letters alpha-kappa-alpha-theta in his original text. The value is 31<>, and the meaning is negation. These have been spelled out. {13} An example page from the photocopy of the index slips. The appearance here is about the average in quality and clarity for these pages. Let the user of this edition beware of a work made solely on the basis of such a source! {Illustration on this page is of very nearly illegible slips of paper with Greek, numbers and sometimes English} {14} The editor would like to express his thanks to Fr. N, and to Brother Bill Breeze -- to the former for the preservation of this work, to the later for the photocopy used in this reconstruction. -- Bill Heidrick, editor. {15} THE GREEK QABALAH SUB FIGVRA MCCLXIV {16} {In what follows, the original format of two columns per page has been rendered as a single column. Page breaks have "a" or "b" to indicate left or right column} alpha-beta-alpha 4 delta-epsilon ED:But, ED:and 9 gamma-epsilon-alpha Earth delta-digamma 10 gamma-eta Earth 11 eta-beta-alpha CH:Doric: Manhood: youth delta-eta CH:Note Lexicon 12 meaning in ref. to Hadit. Mankind sequence without reference to times. beta-iota-alpha Force 13 gamma-alpha-iota-alpha Earth, Country 15 <> eta-beta-eta Manhood, youth 18 beta-iota-eta Force, Strength 20 alpha-beta-kappa 23 beta-epsilon-iota-gamma-gamma Being beta-eta-iota-gamma-gamma 26 delta-epsilon-kappa-alpha Ten 30 theta-eta-beta-alpha-iota Thebes CH:See 41 kappa-alpha-iota and = {Symbol: MoonSun} 31 beta-alpha-alpha-lambda Baal 34{17a} lambda-alpha-digamma .'. CH:Law is wrot of III senses 37 alpha-lambda-eta(N1) Sometimes = Error, mental 39 wandering Theta-epsilon-lambda Hermit 31+13 44 Delta-iota-alpha-kappa-alpha-theta(@) 45 alpha-delta-iota-alpha-kappa-alpha-theta(@) 46 mu-epsilon-gamma-alpha great 49 mu-iota-alpha one 51 Digamma-eta-lambda-eta* block, boundry post, 52 turning point alpha-iota-mu-alpha blood epsilon-nu : at 55 HB:V-GR:iota-theta-alpha-lambda (N2) [NB:VITAL] 56 CH:English alpha-lambda-eta-theta-eta Truth, CH:but not in the dictionary should be alpha-lambda-eta-theta .. or alpha-lambda-eta-theta-epsilon-iota-alpha kappa-Digamma-lambda CH:Root of wheel kappa-upsilon-lambda nu-eta Yes 58 eta-nu if eta-mu-iota CH:mate = 1/2 Lover {17b} nu-alpha-iota yes 61 theta-eta-beta-alpha-iota-alpha-kappa-alpha-theta(@) Nu-Digamma + Alpha-delta Nuit & Had iota-nu-alpha So that alpha-lambda-lambda-alpha but 62 Alpha-theta-alpha-nu-alpha CH: Athene epsilon-xi six 65 epsilon-iota-mu-iota to be zeta-eta-nu CH:A name for Zeus <> beta-alpha-beta-alpha-xi dancer 66 Alpha-theta-eta-nu-alpha Athene CH:in Homeric 69 beta-epsilon-iota-nu-gamma [NB:Being] [ED:English] 70 Alpha-theta-eta-nu-alpha-alpha Athene CH:in Homeric nu-kappa zeta-alpha-epsilon-iota-nu 73 beta-eta-iota-nu-gamma [NB:Being] [ED:English] Nu-Digamma-iota-theta Nuit 75 Nu-Digamma-iota-alpha-theta ED:Nuit 76{18a} epsilon-iota-nu-alpha-iota CH:from epsilon-iota-mu-iota = ED:I am, to be Alpha-theta-eta-nu-eta ED:Athene iota-epsilon-nu-alpha-iota to go Alpha-theta-eta-nu-alpha-iota-alpha ED:Athens 80 Beta-eta-mu-lambda ED:step, pace; platform; tribute beta-eta-mu alpha CH:a staff CH:ment..., adds to 51 delta-Digamma-omicron(N3) beta-omicron-eta a cry; hide of ox; shield iota kappa-alpha-lambda iota-theta [NB: I call it] [ED:English] omicron-iota-delta-alpha I know 85 epsilon-nu-delta-epsilon-kappa-alpha ED:Eleven kappa-alpha-iota epsilon-nu ED:and one 86 pi-eta How?, which way? 88 alpha-nu-alpha-gamma-kappa-eta-iota by necessity 93 HB:Ka'aBA Kaaba Nu-Digamma-iota-alpha-kappa-alpha-theta(@) 97 alpha-theta-epsilon-nu-iota epsilon-kappa(N4) 100 eta alpha-gamma-alpha-pi-eta The Love 101 .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {18b} gamma-alpha-rho For 104 rho-epsilon-alpha CH:wife of Saturn Mother of 106 Jupiter ED:Rea eta-mu-eta-nu CH:Attic for eta-nu alpha-nu-alpha-theta-epsilon-mu-alpha anything dedicated CH:in New 107 Testament alpha-nu-theta-epsilon-mu-alpha(N5) omicron-lambda-eta CH:Feminine of 108 omicron-lambda-omicron-sigma whole omicron-mu 110 epsilon-nu-nu-epsilon-alpha ED:nine 111 {see note} [NB:Whole](N6) CH:English CH:By the fools - those of 111 alpha-Digamma-eta-rho* Star 115 rho-epsilon-iota CH:From rho-epsilon-omega to flow theta-eta-rho A wild beast 117 Digamma-omicron-mu-alpha* mouth theta-rho-iota 119 omicron-nu ED:being, creature 120 epsilon-nu-epsilon-iota-mu-iota {19a} kappa-alpha-rho-alpha head 122 omicron-nu-epsilon [NB:ONE] [ED:English] 125 epsilon-omicron-nu kappa-Digamma-lambda-iota-xi Drinking cup 126 kappa-epsilon-alpha-rho heart, soul, mind kappa-eta-rho heart 128 Digamma-rho-alpha-gamma-gamma-epsilon-iota-alpha* 129 kappa-iota-nu-eta-mu-alpha ED:movement, motion pi-alpha-nu ED:Pan 131 [NB:(W)ONE](N7) kappa-epsilon-digamma-rho-alpha 132 kappa-alpha-rho-delta-iota-alpha Heart 136 zeta-Digamma-gamma-omicron-nu yoke eta Digamma-rho-alpha-gamma-gamma-epsilon-iota-alpha(*) 137 kappa-alpha-rho-delta-iota-eta Heart 143 Alpha-Delta-iota-alpha-kappa-alpha-theta(@) + Nu-Digamma-iota-alpha-kappa-alpha-theta(@) 13 x 11 kappa-iota-nu-epsilon-iota-nu to move, change, continue, 145 begin {19b} delta-rho-alpha-mu-alpha ED:drama, play 146 eta mu-alpha-rho Day 149 rho-eta-mu-alpha a word, saying eta mu-epsilon-rho-alpha ED:day 154 lambda-lambda [ED: lambda-alpha-mu-beta-delta-alpha times 2] 156 pi-alpha-nu + eta-iota-eta(N8) 157 pi-alpha-lambda-alpha-mu-eta Palm of hand 160 mu-alpha-kappa-alpha-rho Blessed 162 eta pi-alpha-lambda-alpha-mu-eta(N9) 160 + 8 ED:The Palm of the 168 hand epsilon-nu-epsilon-iota-mu-iota epsilon-nu 175 nu-omicron-nu-epsilon [NB:NONE] = 50 + 70 + 50 + 5 [ED:English] HB:LA 74 + 111 [ED:Hebrew: HB:LMD = 74 = HB:D HB:ALP = 111 = HB:A] ED:no, not mu-epsilon-lambda-alpha-rho(N10) Black 176 kappa-omicron-pi-eta Stroke [ED:cut] 178 omicron-lambda-omicron-eta CH:from alpha-beta omicron-lambda-omicron...: Deadly HB:Da'aTh (474) {20a} omicron-rho-gamma-eta passion 181 pi-Digamma-rho Fire 186 omicron-rho-gamma-epsilon-iota-alpha 189 eta omicron-rho-gamma-eta passion kappa-epsilon-nu-omicron-nu Empty; The void of space 195 pi-alpha-lambda-lambda-alpha-xi virgin 202 sigma-epsilon motion upwards 205 epsilon-xi-alpha-rho-mu-alpha height, swelling 207 418 divided by 2 209 {Symbol: MoonSun} see note 11 211 beta-iota-alpha-sigma ED:with difficulty 213 sigma-iota-gamma-alpha Hush! Silently 214 delta-iota-sigma twice gamma-alpha-iota-alpha-sigma 215 epsilon-iota-sigma one omicron-lambda-omicron-nu Whole, perfect 220 CH:Number of verses in Liber AL sigma-iota-gamma-eta silence 221{20b} Alpha-Iota-Delta-Eta-C [ED:alpha-iota-delta-eta-sigma](N12) Hades 223 kappa-alpha-beta-sigma [NB: Kaabs] [ED:Anglo-Egyptian] alpha-rho-gamma-omicron-nu not working 224 alpha-delta-iota-sigma-theta epsilon-iota-sigma-iota CH:from epsilon-iota-mu-iota 225 ED:I am pi-rho-alpha-gamma-mu-alpha deed, action alpha-Digamma-rho-omicron-nu* Star 227 epsilon-rho-gamma-omicron-nu work 228 eta sigma-iota-gamma-eta The silence 229 theta-eta-beta-alpha-iota-sigma Theban CH:See 238 230 omicron-nu-omicron-mu-alpha Name 231 sigma-kappa-iota-alpha shadow; shade lambda-omicron-gamma-iota-omicron-nu oracle 233 eta theta-eta-beta-alpha-iota-sigma ED:The Theban 238 theta-eta-rho-iota-omicron-nu wild beast 247 rho-epsilon-pi-epsilon-iota-nu to fall 250 pi-rho-omicron before kappa-omicron-rho-alpha-xi crow 251{21a} pi-alpha-mu-pi-alpha-nu altogether 252 sigma-iota-gamma-mu-alpha a sign [ED:also Sigma spelled in 254 full] alpha-lambda-eta-theta-eta-sigma truth 256 theta-epsilon-mu-iota-sigma Law, right 264 iota-mu-eta-sigma-iota 268 epsilon-xi-eta-sigma in order 273 epsilon-iota-sigma-iota-nu CH:from epsilon-iota-mu-iota ED:I am 275 epsilon-nu omicron-lambda-omicron-nu One Perfect gamma-omicron-eta-sigma a howling; wizard 281 beta-iota-omicron-sigma Life CH:See 101 282 sigma-epsilon-beta-iota-zeta-epsilon-iota-nu To Worship 289 pi-alpha-iota-sigma boy; maid 291 epsilon-xi-alpha-kappa-iota-sigma six times 296 eta pi-alpha-iota-sigma ED:The boy 291 + 8 299 sigma-epsilon-lambda-eta-nu-eta She ED:Moon 301 .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {21b} HB:KPRA KPRA Kephra 301 lambda-omicron-gamma-alpha-sigma Chosen CH:See 384 304 HB:H-KPRA 301 + 5 ED:The Kephra 306 eta-tau-alpha CH:eight 309 {Arabic: Lam-Alif}(N13) = 31 = 0 CH:I call it eight eta Sigma-epsilon-lambda-eta-nu-eta = eta-tau-alpha House of the Moon The Moon CH:(not said) HB:ChABSh Khabs 311 delta-Digamma-nu-alpha-mu-iota-sigma(N14) omicron-iota-kappa-iota-alpha-sigma house; household alpha-gamma-gamma-epsilon-lambda-omicron-sigma messenger ED:angel 312 Mu-alpha-gamma-omicron-sigma ED:magician 314 Alpha-Delta-Iota-Tau Hadit 315 Epsilon-rho-iota-sigma goddess of Strife ED:Eris epsilon-iota-gamma-tau [NB:EIGHT] CH:English 318 Eta-lambda-iota-omicron-sigma = theta-eta-tau-alpha Sun House of {Symbol: Sun} theta-eta-tau-alpha ED:The name of the letter Theta tau-eta-iota 2 x 159 6 x 53 {22a} eta delta-Digamma-nu-alpha-mu-iota-sigma(N14) 319 omicron kappa-omicron-rho-alpha-xi ED:the crow 321 delta-eta-mu-omicron-sigma people 322 kappa-alpha-tau-alpha down alpha-iota-tau-iota-alpha cause eta epsilon-rho-iota-sigma ED:The Goddess Eris 323 Daughter of Nu-omicron-xi delta-iota-kappa-alpha-iota-omicron-iota-sigma just 325 epsilon-sigma-omicron-mu-alpha-iota (526) 326 alpha-kappa-omicron-lambda-alpha-sigma-iota-alpha incontinence, dispersion, 333 ED:debauchery, ED:wantonness (203) Epsilon-kappa-alpha-tau-eta ED:Hecate 334 kappa-omicron-pi-alpha-nu-omicron-nu pestle 341 Pi-alpha-lambda-lambda-alpha-sigma a brandisher ED:Phallus 342 gamma-omicron-omicron-sigma a spell 343 omicron-delta-omicron-sigma way 344 kappa-epsilon-nu-omicron-sigma empty; void 345 HB:VGR:iota-tau-alpha-lambda [NB:VITAL](N15) CH:English 347 omicron-gamma-delta-omicron-alpha-sigma 8 348{22b} eta pi-alpha-lambda-lambda-alpha-sigma ED:The Phallus 350 omicron gamma-omicron-eta-sigma ED:wizard 351 omicron beta-iota-omicron-sigma The Life 352 CH:See 281 353 epsilon-xi-alpha-gamma-omicron-mu-epsilon-nu-omicron-nu 354 lambda-alpha-gamma-nu-omicron-sigma lewd, lustful CH:see 941 + 679 epsilon-pi-omicron-sigma a word 355 alpha-kappa-alpha-theta-epsilon-nu-omicron-sigma(@) 356 31-epsilon-nu-omicron-sigma(N16) omicron lambda-omicron-nu kappa-alpha-iota omicron-lambda-eta 359 O = 360 ED:the degrees of a 360 circle CH:she might call it omicron pi-alpha-iota-sigma ED:the child, ED:the boy 361 Digamma-Epsilon-Pi-Omicron-C omicron-gamma-kappa-omicron-sigma curve, atom CH:see 360 363 mu-epsilon-sigma-omicron-nu meddle in 365 kappa-iota-nu-alpha-iota-delta-omicron-sigma sodomite epsilon-xi-alpha-pi-lambda-omicron-omicron-nu 366 Nu-Digamma-Iota-Tau Nuit tau-omicron ED:the CH:309 + 61 370{23a} omicron-lambda-omicron-sigma Perfect [ED:see also 220] omicron-iota-kappa-omicron-sigma House alpha-tau-alpha-xi-iota-alpha confusion 373 alpha-rho-gamma-omicron-sigma shiny, still 374 kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-theta-epsilon-mu-alpha anathema 377 epsilon-xi-eta-kappa-omicron-mu-epsilon-nu-omicron-nu 378 mu-iota-nu-theta-omicron-sigma shit CH:see 449 379 kappa-omicron-pi-iota-sigma(N17) cleaver 380 HB:QPRA (N18) [ED:either the name KEPHRA, 381 or the last part of the name HB:BR Q' QPRA] omicron mu-alpha-gamma-omicron-sigma ED:the magician 384 lambda-omicron-gamma-alpha-iota-omicron-sigma Chosen iota-epsilon-rho-omicron-sigma holy 385 epsilon-pi-tau-alpha seven 386 HB:H-QPRA [ED:see 381] pi-omicron-lambda-iota-sigma ED:city 390 omicron delta-eta-mu-omicron-sigma the people 392 pi-omicron-lambda-iota-epsilon-sigma 395 HB:ShTALHYM ED:false gods {23b} tau-alpha Digamma-epsilon-pi-eta 400 kappa-omicron-gamma-xi omicron-mu pi-alpha-xi 404 epsilon-upsilon well 405 epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-iota-alpha perfection 406 sigma-epsilon-beta-alpha-sigma awe, worship CH:See 778 408 eta-delta-upsilon pleasant, sweet 412 omicron gamma-omicron-omicron-sigma the spell CH:See 343 413 omicron omicron-delta-omicron-sigma the way 414 mu-alpha-rho-gamma-omicron-sigma proud, mad omicron-gamma-delta-omicron-omicron-sigma one eighth 417 pi-alpha-nu beta-alpha-beta-alpha-lambda-omicron-nupi-alpha-nu 418 ED:Pan Babalon Pan alpha-eta-alpha-upsilon-eta ED:Aeon(?) tau-omicron-mu-eta nothing, Final RPSTOVAL(N19) CH:English {See note 19} HB:HRV-RA-HA HRU-RA-HA Upsilon-gamma-epsilon-iota-alpha health 419 iota-theta-upsilon steep, straight, right tau-omicron-mu-epsilon-gamma-alpha = HB:TYTh = Teth CH: .'. 666 = the Teth Beast [ED: N.B. tau-omicron = The mu-epsilon-gamma-alpha = Great {24a} kappa-upsilon [NB:KHU {Anglo-Egyptian}] 420 iota-sigma-iota-sigma [NB:ISIS {Anglo-Egyptian}] eta alpha-eta-alpha-upsilon-eta ED:The Aeon(?) 426 epsilon-upsilon-eta-theta-eta(N20) kind, silly 430 nu-omicron-mu-omicron-sigma = alpha-rho-iota-theta-mu-omicron-sigma ED:law = number pi-alpha-nu-tau-alpha ED:everything, always 432 kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-beta-omicron-lambda-eta conception omicron kappa-iota-nu-alpha-iota-delta-omicron-sigma The sodomite 435 pi-alpha-nu-tau-eta done everywhere on every side 439 delta-Digamma(N21) rho-omicron-omicron-sigma(N22) 440 pi-epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon Five mu-upsilon Murmuring with closed lips omicron omicron-lambda-omicron-sigma ED:The Whole [NB:Abnormal definite art.] Kappa-Upsilon-Beta-Eta-Beta-Eta CH:Variant of Cybele omicron omicron-iota-kappa-omicron-sigma The house Theta-alpha-lambda-alpha-sigma-sigma-alpha the sea 442 eta kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-beta-omicron-lambda-eta 444 The laying down, foundation <> Omicron-iota-delta-iota-pi-omicron-sigma Oedipus {24b} epsilon-kappa-alpha-tau-omicron-nu one hundred 446 omicron-rho-theta-omicron-sigma upright 449 Theta-omicron-rho-omicron-sigma Semen CH:See 519 omicron mu-iota-nu-theta-omicron-sigma the shit Theta-upsilon-mu-alpha CH: I demand nothing in 450 sacrifice i.e. as Theta-upsilon-nu-alpha as 450 sense [ED:?] Victim eta epsilon-kappa-Digamma-alpha-sigma-iota-sigma* = nu-upsilon ED:The ecstasy = NU (Greek letter name: nu) eta Theta-alpha-lambda-alpha-sigma-sigma-alpha the sea kappa-upsilon-lambda CH:Root of wheel sigma-kappa-omicron-lambda-iota-omicron-nu song at banquet pi-rho-omicron-sigma ED:to, at, toward nu-upsilon ED:name of the letter nu alpha-Digamma-rho-omicron-nu* + alpha-rho-gamma-omicron-nu 451 224 + 227 Silver Star .'.A .'.A alpha-mu-alpha-rho-tau-iota-alpha fault 453{25a} zeta-epsilon-upsilon-gamma-mu-alpha a bond 456 upsilon-xi 460 epsilon-xi-alpha-iota-rho-omicron-mu-epsilon-nu-omicron-nu excited 461 eta alpha-mu-alpha-rho-tau-iota-alpha the fault, sin epsilon-upsilon-nu-eta bed 463 epsilon-upsilon-theta-nu honest, straight forward 464 Kappa-upsilon-beta-epsilon-lambda-eta ED:Kiblah(?) 465 Delta-eta-mu-eta-tau-eta-rho ED:Demeter 468 Nu-upsilon-iota-theta ED:Nuit 469 omicron-upsilon not 470 kappa-upsilon-nu female epsilon-xi-alpha-rho-kappa-omicron-mu-epsilon-nu-omicron-nu 471 be satisfied kappa-upsilon-kappa-lambda-alpha circles theta-upsilon-epsilon-iota-nu to sacrifice 474 delta-upsilon-omicron two CH: 800 "with the just counsel(?) as duality HB:YVSTh Just [ED: HB:YVSTh = 476] .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {25b} tau-omicron alpha-nu-alpha-theta-epsilon-mu-alpha ED:the curse 477 epsilon-xi-pi-epsilon-kappa-tau-epsilon-delta [NB:Expected] 479 [ED:English] epsilon-xi-omicron-rho kappa-iota-Digamma-eta-sigma* exorcist omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon 418 + 61 but not theta-upsilon-omicron 418 + 61 CH:I sacrifice(?) epsilon-upsilon-theta-epsilon-nu-epsilon-iota-alpha wealth, etc. 485 beta-delta-epsilon-lambda-upsilon-gamma-mu-alpha an abomination tau-omicron Digamma-omicron-mu-alpha* the month 487 epsilon-upsilon-theta-eta-nu-epsilon-iota-alpha health; plenty 488 kappa-upsilon-lambda-lambda-eta the cup epsilon-upsilon-omicron-delta-iota-alpha prosperous course 490 tau-epsilon-kappa-nu-omicron-nu ..... is born, son 495 epsilon-pi-iota-tau-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-iota-nu to perform ritual pi-omicron-lambda-epsilon-mu-omicron-sigma a battle upsilon-mu-eta-nu union? tau-omicron kappa-epsilon-alpha-rho the heart {486} tau-omicron kappa-eta-rho(N23) ED:the heart 498 tau-omicron kappa-iota-nu-eta-mu-alpha ED:the movement, the motion 499 epsilon-pi-iota-tau-omicron-lambda-eta Rising of Star 503{26a} delta-upsilon-omicron-delta-epsilon-kappa-alpha 12 504 pi-omicron-lambda-epsilon-mu-iota-omicron-sigma rashly 505 kappa-alpha-iota-delta-upsilon-omicron and two pi-epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon + epsilon-xi 5 + 6 omicron-lambda-omicron-sigma kappa-alpha-iota omicron-lambda-eta 509 ED:all and all (male) (female) phi-alpha-Digamma-epsilon(N24) [NB:FACE] CH:English 510 (512?) theta-upsilon-rho-alpha door 510 Kappa-rho-omicron-nu-omicron-sigma Kronos mu-omicron-upsilon = phi-iota mine, of me = the letter name of Phi nu-epsilon-mu-epsilon-sigma-iota-sigma ED:nemisis, divine vengeance nu-upsilon-xi night, ED:NOX phi-iota = tau-iota-sigma = nu-upsilon-xi ED:the letter name of Phi = anyone = NOX 666 - 156 eta epsilon-pi-iota-tau-omicron-lambda-eta 511 ED:the rising of the star omicron upsilon-mu-alpha pi-omicron-tau-nu-iota-alpha pi-alpha-nu-alpha-pi-lambda-omicron-sigma all-tender, delicate 512 {error had 513} alpha-beta-omicron-upsilon-lambda-iota-alpha thoughtlessness 514{26b} epsilon-mu-omicron-upsilon = epsilon-sigma-tau-iota(N25) 515 eta theta-upsilon-rho-alpha door 518 eta kappa-alpha-kappa-eta gamma-upsilon-nu-eta The bad woman omicron theta-omicron-rho-omicron-sigma Semen 519 tau-omicron eta-mu-alpha-rho ED:the day(?) kappa-upsilon-lambda-iota-xi a cup 520 CH:See 126 nu-epsilon-upsilon-epsilon-iota-nu CH:See 1125 pi-alpha-nu-tau-omicron-theta-iota HB:Na'aTh {WEH NOTE: This is probably what should be here, but the slip had what looked like: HB:NTzTh and signifies: to burn, to blaze; (value 540) This guess has the right value of 520 and looks right. It might be an attempt to transliterate English: "NOT".} epsilon-sigma-omicron-sigma-mu-alpha-iota CH:(326) 526 omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon-nu ED:no one, none 529 zeta-upsilon-gamma-omicron-nu union 530 omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon-mu-iota-alpha ED:no one, none epsilon-upsilon-delta-iota-alpha-nu-alpha-xi Ruler of Air 531 pi-alpha-nu-upsilon altogether {27a} alpha-lambda-phi-alpha = alpha-tau-lambda-alpha-sigma 532 ED:Letter name of Alpha = Atlas CH:61 + 471 q.v. sigma-theta-epsilon-nu-omicron-sigma ED:strength, vigor 534 omicron-upsilon theta-epsilon-nu kappa-tau-epsilon-iota-sigma comb CH:Nefta HB:NPThH 535 ED:(liquid female honey) tau-epsilon-rho-pi-nu-alpha 536 omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon-nu-iota-alpha ED:noone 540 Phi-alpha-mu-alpha CH:(666 + 418) divided by 2 542 alpha-tau-epsilon-lambda-eta-sigma without object 544 epsilon-upsilon-kappa-alpha-iota-rho-iota-alpha prosperity 547 phi-eta-mu-alpha 549 pi-rho-omicron-tau motion 550 alpha-mu-phi-iota 551 omicron-rho-omicron-mu-beta-omicron-sigma CH:See 482 552 phi-eta-mu-eta ED:fame 556 .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {27b} tau-omicron kappa-epsilon-nu-omicron-nu ED:the void, space 565 gamma-upsilon-nu-eta Rho-epsilon-alpha ED:woman Rea 567 CH:7 x 81 CH:None(N26) omicron-iota-kappa-omicron-nu {connection to number unknown} 570 sigma-theta CH:(in full) 572 [NB:as sigma-iota-gamma-mu-alpha + theta-eta-tau-alpha] epsilon-upsilon-kappa-lambda-eta-rho-iota-alpha good fortune 574 tau-iota-sigma epsilon-iota-mu-iota Who am I CH:510 + 65 575 tau-omicron-iota-sigma 580 pi-upsilon-rho ED:fire upsilon-pi-alpha-rho vision 581 eta phi-alpha-mu-alpha-iota-theta-epsilon-iota-alpha 585 omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon-nu xi-alpha(N27) CH:529 + 61 See 529 590 kappa-upsilon-kappa-lambda-omicron-nu tau-omicron omicron-lambda-omicron-nu ED:the whole omicron-kappa-tau-alpha-sigma 8 591 16 x 37 592 CH:destruction of Yechidah [NB:16 is the Tower Atu 37 is HB:YChYDH] {28a} tau-omicron-nu delta-eta-mu-omicron-nu ED:the demon 592 epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-sigma ED:perfect 595 kappa-epsilon-nu-tau-rho-omicron-nu ED:centre; sting tau-omicron pi-rho-alpha-gamma-mu-alpha ED:the thing Sigma-epsilon-iota-rho-iota-omicron-sigma omicron-gamma-delta-omicron-eta-kappa-omicron-nu-tau-alpha 80 596 epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon-lambda-eta-sigma complete 598 CH:288 + 370 eta-omicron-kappa-tau-alpha-sigma ED:the eight 599 kappa-omicron-sigma-mu-omicron-sigma ED:world 600 sigma-kappa-omicron-lambda-iota-omicron-sigma ED:crooked mu-alpha-nu-tau-iota-sigma ED:prophet 601 tau-omicron omicron-nu-omicron-mu-alpha ED:the name tau-omicron lambda-omicron-gamma-iota-omicron-nu oracle 603 epsilon-upsilon-sigma brave, noble 605 epsilon-xi-omicron-nu-tau-omicron-nu ED:I annihilate tau-epsilon-lambda-omicron-sigma ED:end CH:1271 - 666 eta epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon-lambda-eta-sigma CH:598 + 8 606 ED:the complete theta-epsilon-lambda eta-nu-iota tau-epsilon-sigma {error 617} 607 CH:44 58 505 ED:Hermit Lover Man of Earth {28b} alpha-sigma-tau-eta-rho CH:See 115 609 ED:Star xi-upsilon-lambda-omicron-nu ED:wood; beating 610 alpha-lambda-phi-alpha lambda-alpha-mu-beta-delta-alpha CH:532 + 78 ED:Letter names of Alpha & Lambda epsilon-pi-iota-tau-eta-delta-epsilon-sigma enough, fitly 612 CH:See 1036 eta-delta-upsilon-sigma zeta-epsilon-upsilon-sigma [NB:ZEUS] CH:See 218 or 1036 [ED:English] Tau-omicron Theta-eta-rho-iota-omicron-nu ED:The Beast 617 {See also error on 607} omicron-mu-phi-eta 618 iota-theta-upsilon-sigma 619 Eta-lambda-iota-omicron-sigma + sigma-epsilon-lambda-eta-nu-eta CH:318 + 301 = {Symbol: Sun} + {Symbol: Moon} = sigma--theta(N28) tau-omicron sigma-eta-mu-alpha The sign tau-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-iota-omicron-sigma Perfect 620 omicron-upsilon-lambda-omicron-nu ED:gum (of the mouth) CH:See 770 rho-upsilon-omicron-mu-alpha-iota save, guard 621 sigma-tau-rho-alpha-gamma-gamma-epsilon-iota-alpha 623 Kappa-epsilon-phi-rho-alpha ED:Kephra 626{29a} epsilon-upsilon-sigma-epsilon-beta-epsilon-iota-alpha reverent 628 CH:See 820 eta sigma-tau-rho-alpha-gamma-gamma-epsilon-iota-alpha 631 theta-alpha-nu-alpha-tau-omicron-sigma ED:death epsilon-pi-iota-tau-epsilon-lambda-eta-sigma accomplished 638 tau-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-tau-eta Initiation, celebration, 648 & mysteries sigma-upsilon-nu ED:with, to 650 eta tau-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-tau-eta CH:648 + 8 656 ED:The initiation, the celebration & the mysteries Alpha-rho-tau-epsilon-mu-iota-sigma ED:Artemis phi-rho-eta-nu ED:mind, reason 658 eta-mu-iota-sigma-upsilon ED:half phi-lambda-omicron-xi flame 660 epsilon-upsilon-theta-nu-sigma straight 664 omicron Sigma-epsilon-iota-rho-iota-omicron-sigma CH:595 + 70 See 595 665 eta phi-rho-eta-nu ED:the mind, the reason 666 pi-epsilon-nu-tau-alpha-kappa-iota-sigma ED:five times (N29) CH:666 x 1 = he 610 + 56 = 666 eta kappa-omicron-kappa-kappa-iota-nu-eta gamma-upsilon-nu-eta 667 CH:29 x 23 ED:The Scarlet Woman CH: 667 = The Virgin = Fish CH:Woman should be the woman. {29b} Digamma-Alpha-Delta - Tau + Nu-Digamma - Tau 667 Nu-upsilon-iota-sigma-theta 669 Nu-epsilon-Digamma-theta-upsilon-sigma 670 omicron-mu-phi-alpha-xi unripe 671 pi-alpha-nu-tau-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-sigma Perfect (N30) omicron mu-alpha-nu-tau-iota-sigma CH:See 601 ED:the prophet beta-omicron-upsilon-sigma Ox CH:254 + 418 672 pi-alpha-nu-tau-epsilon-lambda-eta-sigma Perfect 674 epsilon-xi-alpha-chi-eta in 6 parts eta nu-epsilon-Digamma-theta-upsilon-sigma CH:670 + 8 678 mu-alpha-chi-lambda-eta 679 rho-omicron-mu-beta-omicron-upsilon 682 zeta-epsilon-upsilon-gamma-omicron-sigma ED:pair 685 omicron-lambda-omicron-eta nu-upsilon-xi CH:532 + 78 + 78 688 An She call it alpha-lambda-lambda 532 = alpha-lambda-phi-alpha 78 = lambda-alpha-mu-beta-delta-alpha 78 = lambda-alpha-mu-beta-delta-alpha alpha + lambda + lambda = 61 or 688 {30a} omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon-iota-sigma no one, nobody 689 Nu-omicron-tau-omicron-sigma South wind 690 kappa-upsilon-beta-omicron-sigma ED:cube 692 omicron-upsilon-theta-epsilon-iota-sigma 694 sigma-eta-mu-alpha Nu-Upsilon ED:(the) sign NU 699 kappa-upsilon-theta-omicron-sigma depth tau-alpha-upsilon ED:The letter name of tau 701 CH:631 + 70 kappa-epsilon-upsilon-theta-omicron-sigma Depth 704 alpha-phi-eta-sigma 709 alpha-rho-chi-eta ED:origin mu-omicron-upsilon-sigma-alpha Muse 711 eta delta-upsilon-nu-alpha-mu-iota-sigma ED:the power, the strength 713 mu-upsilon-theta-omicron-sigma ED:myth 719 theta-upsilon-mu-omicron-sigma soul nu-omicron-upsilon-sigma mind, intellect 720 CH:712 + 8 .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {30b} alpha-sigma-tau-rho-omicron-nu CH:See 227 Star 721 tau-alpha omicron-nu-tau-alpha ED:the creatures 722 tau-omicron Digammaepsilonpiomicron-sigma 731 kappa-upsilon-kappa-lambda-omicron-sigma ED:circle, cycle 740 tau-alpha-pi-epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon 741 omicron-upsilon-rho-alpha-nu-omicron-nu ED:celestial CH:506 + 175 + 61 742 omicron beta-omicron-upsilon-sigma ED:the ox CH:711 + 31 mu-upsilon-Digamma-iota-kappa-omicron-sigma* ED:secret; mystic 746 tau-omicron kappa-alpha-tau-alpha thetaepsilonmu-alpha 747 psi-iota-lambda-eta ED:smooth breathing 748 [NB:the sound of HB:A] tau-eta-sigma delta-iota-kappa-eta-sigma 750 tau-omicron sigma-eta-mu-epsilon-iota-omicron-nu CH:370 + 383 753 ED:the sign, mark theta-upsilon-mu-alpha-tau-iota in sacrifice 760 omicron Nu-omicron-tau-omicron-sigma the South Wind CH:690 + 70 alpha-phi-alpha-nu-eta-sigma unseen secret Nu-upsilon-iota-tau Nuit {31a} Nu-epsilon-phi-theta-Digamma-sigma CH:See 674 770 phi-alpha-omicron-sigma The Eye 771 pi-tau-epsilon-rho-omicron-epsilon-iota-sigma-alpha tau-alpha-omicron-upsilon none omicron-kappa-tau-alpha-kappa-omicron-sigma-iota-omicron-iota CH:800 pi-omicron-tau-alpha-nu-omicron-sigma winged sigma-phi-iota-gamma-xi ED:sphinx 773 delta-omicron-upsilon-lambda-omicron-sigma ED:slave; servant 774 epsilon-upsilon-rho-omicron-sigma S. East Wind 775 pi-omicron-tau-eta-nu-omicron-sigma 778 alpha-rho-rho-eta-tau-omicron-sigma ED:unspeakable, ineffable 779 omicron-phi-iota-sigma {WEH note: serpent. Error had 780 alpha where omicron is now} omicron mu-upsilon-theta-omicron-sigma ED:the myth 789 omicron theta-upsilon-mu-omicron-sigma ED:the soul pi-tau-omicron-lambda-epsilon-mu-omicron-sigma 795 tau-epsilon-sigma-sigma-alpha-rho-alpha ED:four 807 epsilon-gamma-omega ED:Ego, 808 beta-alpha-zeta-omega ED:put, place, lay, set 810 alpha-iota-omega I breathe, live, know 811 The Values of the Hebrew Alphabet .-----------.---------.-----------.-----------.---------.---------.----------. : Aleph=A=1 : Bet=B=2 : Gimel=G=3 : Dalet=D=4 : Hay=H=5 : Vau=V=6 : Zain=Z=7 : : Chet=Ch=8 : Tet=T=9 : ============================================================================== : Yod=Y=10 : Koph=20 : Lamed=L=30 : Mem=M=40 : Nun=N=50 : Samekh=S=60 : .-------------:----------:--------------. : Ayin=a'a=70 : Peh=P=80 : Tzaddi=Tz=90 : ============================================================================== :Qof=Q=100 : Resh=R=200 : Shin=Sh=300 : Taw=Th=400 : Koph-final=K=500 : .-----------------.-----------------.-----------------.---------------------. : Mem-final=M=600 : Nun-final=N=700 : Peh-final=P=800 : Tzaddi-final=Tz=900 : .-----------------.-----------------.-----------------.---------------------. {31b} Iota Alpha Omega ED:IAO 811 beta-delta-epsilon-omega I part Alpha-tau-tau-iota-sigma ED:Attis beta-iota-omega = sigma-phi-alpha-iota-rho-alpha ED:I live = sphere 812 epsilon-upsilon-sigma-epsilon-beta-epsilon-sigma reverent CH:See 620 817 rho-upsilon-theta-mu-omicron-sigma ED:rhythm, order, style 819 beta-iota-alpha-zeta-omega I constrain, overcome 820 eta sigma-phi-alpha-iota-rho-alpha ED:the sphere epsilon-upsilon-sigma-epsilon-beta-eta-sigma reverent tau-omicron theta-upsilon-mu-alpha victim theta-upsilon-gamma-alpha-tau-eta-rho ED:daughter 821 sigma-phi-alpha-iota-rho-alpha-iota ED:spheres 822 nu-epsilon-phi-omicron-sigma cloud, heaven 825 tau-alpha tau-epsilon-rho-pi-nu-alpha 837 kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-delta-epsilon-sigma-mu-omicron-sigma 841 mu-alpha-omega seek, wish, claim {32a} tau-omicron delta-upsilon-omicron ED:the two 844 CH:744 + 70 N31 omicron delta-omicron-upsilon-lambda-omicron-sigma beta-epsilon-beta-alpha-iota-omega-mu-alpha 861 kappa-iota-omega-nu pillar 880 kappa-iota-nu-epsilon-omega CH:See 145 ED:I move 885 (N32) 886 iota-epsilon-rho-omicron-phi-alpha-sigma tau-omicron zeta-upsilon-gamma-omicron-nu Union 900 CH:530 + 370 See 530 tau-omicron-nu theta-alpha-nu-alpha-tau-omicron-nu 901{error ='s 1051} {the peaceful death} iota-alpha-kappa-chi-omicron-sigma CH:30 squared + 1 squared 901 Alpha-Tau-upsilon-sigma ED:Atus gamma-nu-omega-mu-eta mark, token, sign epsilon-nu-delta-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-chi-epsilon-sigma 904 CH:assiduous, constant tau-omicron-iota-sigma delta-iota-kappa-alpha-iota-omicron-iota-sigma 905 epsilon-upsilon-rho-upsilon .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {32b} Delta-alpha-iota-mu-omega-nu Demon 905 delta-eta-mu-iota-omicron-upsilon-rho-gamma-omicron-sigma ED:demiurge, creator epsilon-nu-delta-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-chi-eta-sigma continuous 907 omega-rho-iota-alpha bloom of youth 911 alpha-xi-omega-nu [NB:Flowers](N32) CH:English omicron kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-delta-epsilon-sigma-mu-omicron-sigma omicron beta-alpha-sigma-iota-lambda-epsilon-upsilon-sigma 918 tau-omicron phi-eta-mu-alpha 919 tau-omicron-mu-eta kappa-alpha-iota delta-upsilon-omicron 923 CH:418 31 474 ED:cut in two(?) zeta-omega-nu-omicron 927 omicron alpha-iota-omega-nu ED:the aeon, century, age 931 epsilon-kappa-sigma-tau-alpha-sigma-iota-sigma ecstasy 936 Alpha-lambda-alpha-Digamma-omega-rho* 938 [ED:probably "Aleister" from English, but as Greek it signifies: "villain", "fiend"] mu-alpha-chi-lambda-omicron-sigma 941 psi-iota-lambda-alpha-sigma Bacchus omicron-upsilon deltaupsilon-omicron not two 944 rho-omega-mu-eta Strength 948 tau-omicron omicron-upsilon-theta-alpha-rho 950 tau-omicron pi-upsilon-rho ED:the fire {33a} tau-omicron upsilon-pi-alpha-rho ED:the vision 951 CH:real vision, not tau-omicron omicron-nu-alpha-rho = 221 + 370 + 591 581 + 370 = 951 See 581 (N34) 955 CH:See 948 956 tau-omicron kappa-upsilon-kappa-lambda-omicron-nu 960 epsilon-upsilon-phi-eta-mu-iota-alpha silence in ritual, use words 964 good omen, songs of phrase (in plural) rho-omega epsilon-iota-mu-iota ED:name of the letter "rho" 965 and "I am" tau-omicron kappa-epsilon-nu-tau-rho-omicron-nu ED:the centre, the sting pi-omicron-iota-epsilon-omega eta epsilon-kappa-Digamma-alpha-sigma-iota-sigma* epsilon-mu-omicron-upsilon = Nu-upsilon-epsilon-sigma-tau-iota the consciousness, etc. alpha-phi-alpha-nu-iota-sigma-iota-sigma(N35) ED:destruction 972 epsilon-xi-omicron-rho-kappa-iota-sigma-tau-eta-sigma ED:exorciser 973 omicron delta-eta-mu-iota-omicron-upsilon-rho-gamma-omicron-sigma 975 ED:the demiurge, the creator tau-omicron tau-epsilon-lambda-omicron-sigma CH:605 + 370 Delta-rho-alpha-kappa-omega-nu ED:dragon, ogre {33b} Theta-upsilon-rho-sigma-omicron-sigma ED:Thyrsus 979 CH:610 + 370 980 omicron alpha-xi-omega-nu ED:the axis 981 nu-upsilon-mu-phi-alpha 991 nu-upsilon-mu-phi-eta ED:bride 998 eta nu-upsilon-mu-phi-alpha 999 kappa-alpha-tau-omicron-chi-eta restruction omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon-nu + delta-upsilon-omicron 1003 ED:none and two epsilon-upsilon-kappa-tau-alpha-iota-omicron-sigma 1006 votive involved in prayer (of Gods) desired eta nu-upsilon-mu-phi-eta ED:the bride omicron alpha-lambda-alpha-Digamma-omega-rho* 1008 ED:the villain, the fiend pi-epsilon-rho-phi-epsilon-kappa-tau perfect [ED:English] 1010 psi-iota-lambda-omicron-sigma ED:thin, fine; bare omicron alpha-rho-iota-theta-mu-omicron-sigma mu-omicron-upsilon ED:the number of me tau-epsilon-sigma-sigma-alpha-rho-epsilon-sigma(N36) ED:forty 1011 epsilon-chi-epsilon-iota-alpha absolute being {621???} epsilon-upsilon-chi-eta won; wish; proud; curse 1013{34a} Lambda-Alpha-Digamma CH:in full [ED:the total of 1017 the fully spelled-out letter names is 1017] eta epsilon-upsilon-chi-eta CH:1013 + 8 1021 ED:the wish, etc. Alpha-Beta-Kappa CH:532 + 311 + 182 1025 [ED:totals of letter names spelled in full] (N37) [NB:the word of sin] 1027 CH:In English Theta-Psi Theta-eta-tau-alpha = 318 1028 Psi-iota = 710 Lambda-upsilon-tau-tau-alpha 1031 omicron-upsilon-delta-epsilon-nu kappa-alpha-iota delta-upsilon-omicron none and two 1034 CH:529 + 31 + 474 pi-alpha-nu-delta-omega-rho-alpha giver of life 1036 Zeus = 612 or 218 sigma-omega-mu-alpha ED:body 1041 omicron theta-upsilon-rho-sigma-omicron-sigma CH:979 + 70 1049 {see error at 901} {1051} sigma-epsilon alpha-nu-alpha-gamma-omega ED:I bring to you 1060 omicron lambda-omicron-gamma-omicron-sigma iota-theta-upsilon-sigma 1062{34b} sigma-theta-epsilon-nu-omega 1064 alpha-alpha ED:spelled in full as alpha-lambda-phi-alpha alpha-lambda-phi-alpha omicron-lambda-zeta(N38) 1072 pi-alpha-nu CH:8 + 80 + 418 + 61 = 567 + 31 + 474 = 1072 CH:none and two(N39) ED:"everything" epsilon-upsilon-phi-eta-mu-omicron-nu CH:See 964 1073 ED:favorable, euphemistic sigma-theta-epsilon-nu-omega-iota 1074 zeta-omega-omicron-sigma vital CH:See 927 1077 chi-xi-Digamma chi = chi-iota = 610 1087 xi = xi-iota = 70 Digamma = sigma-tau-alpha-upsilon = 407 [ED:Note that the simple numeration of chi-xi-Digamma is 666] epsilon-upsilon-rho-upsilon-sigma wide 1105 iota-omega-tau-alpha ED:Letter name of iota 1111 "Iota", "a jot" pi-alpha-nu-tau-alpha-chi-omicron-iota in every direction 1112{35a} kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-gamma-omega ED:I bring down, I win 1125 nu-omicron-theta [ED:"not", English. This 1128 value results from the sum of the letters spelled in full] alpha-gamma-nu-omega-Digamma-omicron-sigma* ED:unknown 1130 beta-eta-mu-lambda [ED: beta-eta-tau-alpha + eta-tau-alpha 1138 + mu-upsilon +lambda-alpha-mu-beta-delta-alpha] nu-upsilon-omicron-lambda-omicron-eta nu-upsilon-xi alpha-lambda-alpha [ED:alpha-lambda-phi-alpha + 1142 lambda-alpha-mu-beta-delta-alpha + alpha-lambda-phi-alpha] omicron beta-upsilon-sigma-sigma-omicron-sigma ED:the fine purple linen omicron alpha-beta-upsilon-sigma-sigma-omicron-sigma ED:the abyss 1143 epsilon-upsilon-phi-iota-lambda-epsilon-sigma beloved 1150 epsilon-upsilon-phi-iota-lambda-eta-sigma beloved CH:See 1150 1153 Nu-epsilon-phi-theta-upsilon-sigma Goddess of Perfection 1164 ED:Nepthus rho-epsilon-sigma-tau-rho-iota-kappa-tau-iota-omicron-nu 1165 [NB:Restriction] ED:See 671 [ED:English] .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {35b} omega-rho-omicron-sigma 1170 eta nu-epsilon-phi-theta-upsilon-sigma The Goddess of Perfection 1172 CH:1164 + 8 zeta-upsilon-phi-omicron-sigma Evening wind 1177 mu-upsilon-sigma-tau-eta-rho-iota-omicron-nu mystery, sacrament 1178 xi-iota xi-iota + iota-omega-tau-alpha [ED:sum of the 1181 letter names] upsilon-chi(N40) CH:In full zeta-omega-eta-rho-omicron-sigma ED:vivid, animated 1185 omicron-kappa-tau-omega ED:eight 1190 theta-upsilon-epsilon-iota-nu omicron-lambda-omicron-eta 1193 nu-upsilon-xi ED:sacrifice every night CH:688 + 474 = 1162 + 31 tau-omicron nu-epsilon-phi-omicron-sigma CH:825 + 370 1195 ED:the cloud, the heaven phi-upsilon-omicron-lambda-sigma(N41) [NB:FOOLS] CH:English 1200 epsilon-upsilon-omega singe, dry up 1205 [NB:Do what thou wilt] CH:English 1206 theta-upsilon-omega ED:I sacrifice 1209 mu-omega-rho-omicron-sigma ED:foolish, silly, stupid 1210{36a} delta-omega-tau-eta-rho(N42) 1212 Pi-omicron-sigma-epsilon-iota-delta-omega-nu ED:Poseidon 1219 mu-omega-rho-omicron-iota-sigma ED:foolish(?) 1220 omicron-kappa-tau-omega + delta-epsilon-kappa-alpha CH:30 + 1190 ED:ten eight (18?) epsilon-upsilon-omega-delta-iota-alpha perfume alpha-lambda-lambda-alpha CH:in full epsilon-upsilon-phi-eta-mu-omicron-sigma ED:favorable 1223 CH:See 964 sigma-upsilon-nu tau-omicron-iota-sigma 1230 beta-epsilon-beta-alpha-iota-omega-sigma-iota-sigma ED:profanation{corrected from earlier typo} tau-omicron beta-epsilon-beta-alpha-iota-omega-mu-alpha 1231 CH:861 + 370 gamma-lambda-omega-sigma-sigma-alpha ED:tongue, language 1234 eta beta-epsilon-beta-alpha-iota-omega-sigma-iota-sigma 1238 ED:the profanation {corrected from earlier typo} mu-upsilon-sigma-tau-iota-kappa-omicron-sigma 1240 ED:secret, private, mystic tau-omicron chi-alpha-omicron-sigma ED:the chaos 1241 omicron-eta-sigma-theta [ED: totals of the letter names: spelled in full] CH:901 + 340(N43) omicron-beta-omicron-zeta [ED: total of letter names spelled in full] {36b} eta gamma-lambda-omega-sigma-sigma-alpha -> 1242 omicron-kappa-tau-omega + alpha-lambda-phi-alpha(N44) ED:the tongue -> 8 + 1 (N45) 1245 iota-theta-upsilon-phi-alpha-lambda-lambda-omicron-sigma 1250 ED:turgid penis(?) 483 + 770 1252 omicron-kappa-tau-omega + epsilon-xi eight & six CH:See 1341 1255 CH:894 + 370 See 812 1264 kappa-upsilon-kappa-lambda-omega ED:in a circle, around 1270 kappa-upsilon-omega-nu ED:dog Mu-Phi-Lambda-Psi CH:41 x 31 1271 2542 divided by 2 tau-omicron omicron-nu-omicron-mu-alpha-sigma-omicron-upsilon ED:the name (?) CH:= 93/2 .'. 666 is expression (i.e. x2) = 93 epsilon-upsilon-chi-omicron-sigma boast, glory, vanity, vow 1275 kappa-upsilon-kappa-lambda-omega-iota 1280 kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-kappa-alpha-mu-psi-iota-sigma 1283 ED:bend back, bend against omicron Pi-omicron-sigma-epsilon-iota-delta-omega-nu 1289 ED:the (God) Poseidon {37a} phi-alpha-omega 1301 pi-alpha-nu-delta-omega-rho-omicron-sigma given of all 1305 tau-upsilon-chi-eta chance 1308 upsilon-xi CH:in full 1330 kappa-alpha-iota epsilon-nu-epsilon-nu omicron-kappa-tau-omega 1331 ED:and nine(?) eight omicron-kappa-tau-omega epsilon-nu-nu-epsilon-alpha delta-epsilon-kappa-alpha ED:eight + nine + ten CH: 8 = 1190 +9 = 111 +10= 30 ---- 1331 111 + 1220 = 1331 = 11 to the 3 power Pi-upsilon-theta-omega-nu Python 1339 tau-rho-omicron-chi-omicron-sigma wheel, disk, circle, course 1340 CH:(470) omicron-kappa-tau-omega epsilon-xi kappa-alpha-iota epsilon-nu 1341 ED:eight six and one CH:See 868 1362 mu-epsilon-sigma-omicron-nu-upsilon-kappa-tau-iota-omicron-sigma 1365 ED:of midnight tau-omicron-upsilon nu-omicron-mu-omicronupsilon his law 1400 zeta-omega-tau-iota-kappa-omicron-sigma ED:vital 1407 omicron Pi-upsilon-theta-omega-nu the Python 1409 .---------.--------.---------.---------.-----------.-----------.--------. : Alpha=1 : Beta=2 : Gamma=3 : Delta=4 : Epsilon=5 : Digamma=6 : Zeta=7 : .-------.---------. : Eta=8 : Theta=9 : :===================================================================: :Iota=10: Kappa=20 : Lambda=30 : Mu=40 : Nu=50 : Xi=60 : Omicron=70 : .-------.----------. : Pi=80 : Qoppa=90 : :============================================================================: : Rho=100 : Sigma=200 : Tau=300 : Upsilon=400 : Phi=500 : Chi=600 : Psi=700 : .-----------.------------. : Omega=800 : Sampi= 900 : .-----------.------------. {37b} iota-sigma-chi-upsilon-sigma ED:strength, power, force, 1410 might omicron tau-rho-omicron-chi-omicron-sigma CH:1340 + 70 ED:the wheel, etc. tau-omicron sigma-omega-mu-alpha ED:the body 1411 epsilon-upsilon-sigma-epsilon-beta-epsilon-omega reverent 1417 CH:See 820 tau-upsilon-chi-omicron-nu ED:happening; by chance 1420 alpha-phi-alpha-nu-iota-xi-omega to vanish 1422 (N46) CH:1100 + 325 1425 iota-theta [NB:total of letter names: 1429 spelled in full] CH:215 + 55 + 1190 1460 kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-sigma-tau-rho-omicron-phi-eta 1500 ED:destruction, ruin, catastrophe phi-omega-sigma ED:light omega-psi pi-alpha-nu-tau-alpha-chi-omicron-upsilon everywhere 1502 nu + omicron + tau CH:450 + 360 + 701 1511 [ED:sum of letter names] [NB: NOT] [ED:English] lambda-alpha-Digamma CH:in full {38a} epsilon-upsilon-phi-upsilon-eta-sigma of good nature 1513 tau-omega-iota omicron-nu-tau-iota in deed 1540 CH:1220 + 325 1545 with the just CH:5 x 309 tau-omicron omicron-kappa-tau-omega ED:the eight 1560 tau-omicron epsilon-pi-omicron-sigma tau-eta-sigma 1571 theta-epsilon-mu-iota-delta-omicron-sigma ED:The word of the Law CH:{Symbol: Moon} - 508 = 1063 iota-sigma-chi-upsilon-rho-omicron-sigma ED:strong 1580 chi xi Digamma 1581 chi-iota xi-iota sigma-tau-alpha-upsilon [ED:letter name totals] epsilon-upsilon-sigma-tau-omicron-chi-iota-alpha hitting the mark 1586 sigma-iota-xi + phi-iota-phi-tau-iota [NB:Six & Fifty] 1590 CH:270 + 1320 English tau-omicron-upsilon theta-alpha-nu-alpha-tau-omicron-upsilon 1601 ED:his death rho-tau CH:in full omicron-upsilon CH:in full 360 + 1260 1620 ED:not, no, oh! epsilon-upsilon-chi-alpha-rho-iota-sigma-tau-iota-alpha(N47) 1627 ED:thanks, eucharist tau-omicron ...... CH:1270 + 370 1640{38b} sigma-iota-xi alpha-nu-delta phi-iota-phi-tau-iota 1645 [NB:six and Fifty] CH:English epsilon-upsilon-tau-upsilon-chi-epsilon-sigma 1910 ED:happy, fortunate, lucky epsilon-upsilon-tau-upsilon-chi-eta-sigma 1913 ED:happy, fortunate, lucky tau-omicron rho-eta-mu-alpha tau-omicron-upsilon 1919 nu-omicron-mu-omicron-upsilon ED:the word of the Law. tau-omicron omicron-lambda-omicron-nu tau-omicron-upsilon 1990 nu-omicron-mu-omicron-upsilon ED:the whole of the Law. Tau-upsilon-phi-omega-nu ED:Typhon(?) 2050 alpha-iota-nu CH:Full [ED:total of the 2093 letter names] CH:1754 + 370 2124 tau-upsilon-phi-omega-sigma 2200 alpha-lambda-gamma-mu-omicron-rho [NB:ALGMOR] CH:in full 2395 omicron lambda-omicron-gamma-omicron-sigma 699 (....) 2542 tau-omicron-upsilon nu-omicron-mu-omicron-upsilon(N48) omicron lambda-omicron-gamma-omicron-sigma tau-omicron-upsilon sigma-eta-mu-alpha-tau-omicron-sigma 510 (....) tau-omicron-upsilon nu-omicron-mu-omicron-upsilon(N49) alpha-lambda-alpha CH:(full) tau-omicron-upsilon nu-omicron-mu-omicron-upsilon Theta-epsilon-lambda-eta-mu-alpha CH:2x1271= 2x41x31 [ED:total of the letter names spelled in full] {39a} (N50) 2542 CH:532 + 2010 1800 + 742 -oOo- Misc. Notes on Additional Slips: 4368 6x773 Sphinx See 773 sigma-upsilon-xi is daughter of chi-alpha-omicron-sigma in myth nu-nu = rho "I call it eighty" tau-omicrom pi-iota - 450 = sigma-upsilon + 30 with the fools + 10 with the fools What is complement of beta-mu-Upsilon-Xi? I think chi-alpha-omicron-sigma 5 = pi-epsilon-nu-tau-epsilon = mu-upsilon .'. 5x309 = mu-upsilon none indeed eta-theta = beta-xi [ED:?] omicron-pi = nu sigma = xi-Digamma-gamma tau-epsilon-sigma = Man of Earth tau-omicron 1141 Alpha-Iota-Delta-Iota + {Symbol: check mark} 2521 1331 + 1190 2586 2521 + 65 chi-alpha-omicron-sigma Space chi-delta-omicron not Hadit {39b} Computation Abnormalities Items in this list are evident errors in calculation of numeric value. Rather than simply putting these entries in the places that match their correct number totals, they have been collected here. It is possible that Crowley saw some particular significance in these word-number associations, and that these errors may reflect something of value in regard to his ideas. INCORRECT WORD, NOTES CORRECT TOTAL GIVEN AND MEANINGS: VALUE: ON SLIPS: 194 kappa-digamma-lambda-lambda-eta a cup, CH:see 488 94 195 epsilon-iota-pi-omicron-nu I said 215 211 eta-eta-sigma ED:?gamma-eta-sigma CH:no such word 216? 218 pi-alpha-nu-delta-omicron-rho-alpha CH:see 1036 306 571 epsilon-nu-alpha-phi-epsilon-iota-alpha softness of touch 572 1125 Nu-epsilon-upsilon-omega incline to bend 1255 1146 sigma-tau-omicron-iota-chi-epsilon-iota-alpha-nu 1246 CH:see 777 1158 epsilon-upsilon-chi-alpha-rho-iota-digamma-iota-alpha* 1133 ED:Eucharist 1171 omicron-kappa-tau-alpha-tau-omicron-mu-omicron-sigma 1071 divided into 8 parts 1215 sigma-tau-omicron-iota-chi-epsilon-iota-omicron-nu 1315 point, element, CH:see 846 1220 kappa-omicron-pi-tau-omega peck 1270 1267 epsilon-upsilon-chi-alpha-rho-iota-digamma-omicron-nu* 1242 CH:see 1158 1272 zeta-epsilon-phi-upsilon-rho-omicron-sigma 1282 1320 delta-omega-rho-gamma-tau-eta-rho 1315 1352 1272 + 70 1342 1402 kappa-upsilon CH:in full 1442 1417 epsilon-upsilon-chi-alpha-rho-iota-digamma-omicron-sigma* 1392 1432 omicron-omicron-lambda-omicron-sigma [ED:spelled in full] 1412 1523 eta tau-epsilon-rho-psi-iota-sigma ED:pleasure 1323 1553 kappa-alpha-tau-alpha-kappa-alpha-mu-pi-tau-omega 1563 1575 tau-epsilon-rho-psi-iota-sigma ED:delight 1315 1636 epsilon-upsilon-chi-alpha-rho-iota-sigma-tau-omicron-nu 1736 CH:see 1158 1786 epsilon-upsilon-chi-alpha-rho-iota-sigma-tau-omicron-sigma 1886 CH:see 1158 2581 1255 + 86 + 1245 2586 1050 tau-omicron digamma-epsilon-pi-omicron-sigma 1150 iota-theta-upsilon {40} Technical Notes 1. Two numbers on the slip: 36 & 39. 2. This entry is in Greek on the slip, with the first letter like Nu. The numeration requires that this letter have the value 6. Because Nu has a shape quite close to the English V, I have assumed that the value 6 = HB:V = V is correct. By phonetic transliteration, the word then becomes "VITAL" -- which is given in the edited version here. 3. A small note on the slip appears to read:[lambda-omega-sigma] -- not clear. 4. There is some lack of clarity on the first two letters and the last. This slip was badly reproduced, heavily re-traced in pen, and appears to have caused speculation as to alpha-theta or sigma-theta for the first two letters long ago. 5. The Greek in the middle column is so difficult to read that it could be quite different -- only the apparent similarity of the main entry allows this interpretation. 6. The entry is as written in this edition. Analysis of the probable transliteration would combine Hebrew and Greek: HB:V GR:omicron-lambda-epsilon. 7. The sound of the W is part of the word, but not the English spelling. Again, this word should be combined Greek and Hebrew transliteration: HB:V GR:omicron-sigma-epsilon. It may be that a visual effect is desired by this, in that two Hebrew words having the value 13 mean "love" and "unity". These are: HB:AHBH and HB:AChD. These two were known to Crowley. 8. This entry is written on a slip which also contains other notes. The slip is torn and difficult. Reproduced as is at right {illustration in printed edition only} 9. The only original material here is the 160 + 8. This signifies that pi-alpha-lambda-alpha-mu-eta is to take the definite article GR:eta -- in other words, totals like this refer to the combination of their equivalent words or particles. Where this is obvious, no further note will be made. Where there is slight doubt, a note will be made. Where the doubt as to the words intended is great, no interpretation will be ventured in this edition. 10. This particular Greek word may be misspelled. The GR:rho looks like GR:sigma on the slip, but the total of 176 on the slip requires GR:rho. A dictionary gives mu-epsilon-lambda-alpha-sigma = black = 276. 11. The slip is illegible with regard to the Greek word. Crowley has a tendency to write GR:gamma like GR:eta. What has been written here looks like eta-eta-sigma, by numeration would have to be either gamma-eta-sigma or eta-gamma-sigma; and cannot be identified via dictionary -- according to a note on the slip by another hand. 12. Some notes on this slip are not easily read. The slip is reproduced here at the right {illustration in printed edition only}. The material at the top in the square brackets appears to read "unseen anni.......Hades"; while the material in the rounded brackets at bottom may be either "kabs" or "kappa-alpha-rho-sigma". {41} 13. The Arabic given in the text of this edition follows the number value given for this entry by Crowley. What is written on the slip looks more like: {illustration in printed edition only}. 14. A note in either English or Greek (one word) is on this slip with the entry. It is illegible. 15. Again the Hebrew letter Vau has been introduced with the Greek to provide a "V" or "U" or "W" sound in transliteration. For reference to a similar practice by Crowley, see "Magick in Theory and Practice", Chapter V, page 31 to 35 (HB:VYAa'aV and FIAOF) and Liber Samekh, footnote to Point I, Section B. Crowley uses "F" in the English Alphabet to identify both Vau and digamma (also called "Stau"). Owing to the use of "F" for digamma-stau in this edition, the use of this letter to replace Vau has been avoided. To be sure, the letters make the same sound, and a Greek Dictionary could well have the "F" character in all these places. As a knowing caprice of the editor, this altered convention has been introduced. As an instructor in the use of Crowley's magical formulas, I am tired of hearing digamma or vau pronounced like "eff". By the trick of using Vau in text where Crowley has left out the actual transliteration, I hope to send the reader wandering into these notes. The nature of this trick should impress the memory of the reader, so that I may hope never again to hear F pronounced "eff" where it should be "u". I suppose this note is a bit unprofessional of me, but that doesn't bother me at all. 16. This entry provided part of the clue to the symbol mentioned in the note at the bottom of page 13. Another word is noted on this slip, but it is so illegible that it cannot be identified to the point of Greek or English. 17. Other words are on the slip, but cannot be identified. 18. This is most certainly intended to be Kephra, the other Hebrew portion is the name of an obscure Qabalist Rabi -- cited only on the off chance that some connection might materialize. 19. This word from LIBER AL, III:76 does not seem to have a clear relationship to the number 418 by Greek transliteration. What Crowley intended is obscure. It is possible that vowels were substituted on a model similar to that used for Enochian in EQUINOX I,7, and that digamma was used for both ST and V. Not enough information is on the slip to decide this matter. 20. Other words are on the slip that cannot be read beyond "easily h...". 21. This total must result from a spelling of the component letters in full: GR:delta = delta-epsilon-lambda-tau-alpha GR:Digamma =delta-iota-gamma-alpha-mu-mu-alpha (digamma). Elsewhere, Crowley spells GR:Digamma = sigma-tau-alpha-upsilon or Digamma-alpha-upsilon (Stau). 22. An unidentified English word is on the same slip. 23. All that is on the slip is: 370 + 128 498. The entry in this edition is a deduction by the editor. 24. The transliteration and the numeration of this entry are both unsure. 25. The second word means "is". 26. The meaning of this entry is unknown -- either a Greek word with this meaning or an unusual method of transliteration. {42} 27. The interpretation of "61" as xi-alpha is without basis other than simple expression of this number-value in Greek letters -- not on the slip. 28. Helios and Selene, Sun and Moon. The sigma-theta may refer to several things, but the total of these two letters is 209 (see this entry). The rendering of a similar structure as alpha-kappa-alpha-theta is not probable in this case. The letter name of Sigma means sign (see the next entry -- taken from this same index slip). Crowley may also be referring to the fact that Theta looks a bit like a sun symbol (circle with a dot in the middle), while Sigma is sometimes rendered as a crescent -- that is in fact the most probable explanation for the cryptic entry under the number 209. Thus, by shape: GR:Theta = Sun, GR:Sigma (GR:sigma, C) = Moon.<> 29. The entry is exactly as written: "666 x 1 = he". 30. At this point, a slip occurs with just this information; "671 Restriction (1165)". A counter slip is found under 1165 which simply reverses the numbers. Obviously, something is meant by this. The most likely is a transliteration into Greek from English for the word "Restriction". This would be rho-epsilon-sigma-tau-rho-iota-kappa-tau-iota-omicron-nu (1165) or rho-epsilon-digamma-rho-iota-kappa-tau-iota-omicron-nu (671). This example is made slightly more complex than the usual through both the absence of the transliteration in the original slip and the need for the use of the Stau (GR:Digamma = GR:sigma GR:tau = st) that has usually been noted by an asterisk in the edition of the text. This application of Stau is different from the application of Digamma by the letter Vau or the use of GR:Digamma without asterisk. In the latter case, Vau is used when the sound is to be rendered like "u", "V" or "w", and GR:Digamma without asterisk has been used when that has appeared as such on the index slips. The point noted here seemed too complex to pass over in a simple text entry. 31. This sum is found on a separate slip from the next entry. The next entry is in fact two words which are 70 + 774 -- This would appear to be an item of special interest, or a reference to yet another 774 word with the definite article "o". 32. This entry cannot be identified from the slip. The original was too light in photocopy, and the retracing of the entry in ink failed to distinguish the middle three or four letters. What appears to be sigma-theta.....upsilon-sigma can be distinguished, but no more by this editor {illustration in printed edition only} 33. This English word would most probably be transliterated as: psi-lambda-omicron-HB:V-epsilon-rho-sigma, with "HB:V" = Vau = Digamma or "GR:Digamma" with a "w" sound. 34. The original entry is probably incomplete. All we have is: sigma-tau. This does not match the value 955 in any way known to me. 35. The slip contains an additional note that is not clearly readable: "see to vanish" -- the most probable reading, with the doubt on the last word. 36. The Greek word here has a different spelling from the one on the slip. The letter "GR:rho" has been added by the editor -- required both by number total and by the dictionary. {43} 37. The transliteration is not known to this editor. Very probably, the "W" and the "f" would be rendered by Digamma, the "Th" by Theta and perhaps the "f" could instead be rendered by Psi, or Upsilon. The rest of the letters have conventional representations, but it doesn't seem to work. 38. The number value of this triplet of letters, obtained either by direct addition or through the addition of the numbers of the names of the letters spelled in full is so remote from the value in the text that the entry can only be considered incomplete. 39. The entry on the slip is as shown. 31 = none as alpha-kappa-alpha-theta. Also 31 = kappa-alpha-iota = and. 561 = None in English (see note #26). 474 = two as delta-upsilon-omicron. pi-alpha-nu = Pan = "everything". 40. The method of spelling in full is not known to the editor. 41. The means of relating this word to this number is not known to this editor. 42. This word probably means "second". 43. There are several possibilities as to the words intended by these numbers. 44. This is a reconstruction from the slip, which contains only: 1234 + 8 = 1190 + 532 (8 + 1). The slip also has some re-writing over the last digit and beneath it: 1/2 {"8" over-strikes the "2"}. 45. All that appears on the slip is "in" or possibly "iota-upsilon". 46. This slip also contains a word or words in Greek. The last part is difficult to read, and the slip has been reproduced at right {illustration in printed edition only} 47. The slip also refers to 1158, which will be found on page 40 -- in the error column. 48. & 49. These slips are very difficult. They are reproduced below. {Illustrations only in printed edition} 50. Under this number, there is a curious slip. See right {illustration in printed edition only} {44} ************************************************************************ Crowley's Greek Qabalah from: THE OTO NEWSLETTER Vol. II. numbers 3&4, W'l.#7-8 ASCII VERSION February 8, 1994 e.v. key and scan entry with proofreading and ASCII conversion 2/19/94 e.v. by Bill Heidrick, T.G. of O.T.O. Copyright (c) O.T.O. O.T.O. P.O.Box 430 Fairfax, CA 94978 USA (415) 454-5176 ---- Messages only. Pages in the original are marked thus at the bottom: {page number} Comments and descriptions are also set off by curly brackets {} Comments and notes not in the original are identified with the initials of the source: e.g. WEH note = Bill Heidrick note, etc. Descriptions of illustrations are not so identified, but are simply in curly brackets. Spelling has been corrected by the original editor, without notation in the text. (Addresses, offers and prices/charges below are not current but copied from the original text. The O.T.O. Newsletter is no longer published, but other Grand Lodge and Local O.T.O. periodicals exist. Thelema Lodge continues, but is no longer the Grand Lodge of O.T.O. For current status of publications, membership, etc. contact O.T.O. at the address provided above.) The O.T.O. NEWSLETTER was published by Ordo Templi Orientis. from mid 1977 e.v. to 1980 e.v. The editor and printer was Bill Heidrick. The original edition was profusely illustrated after No. 1, but these illustrations are not reproduced here. The O.T.O. NEWSLETTER was replaced as the Grand Lodge periodical in January 1981 e.v. by THE MAGIC(K)AL LINK, which continues in publication at the time of this transcription. Footnotes have been expanded at or near the point of citation within double angle brackets, e.g. <>. LIMITED LICENSE Except for notations added to the history of modification, the text on this diskette down to the next row of asterisks must accompany all copies made of this file. In particular, this paragraph and the copyright notice are not to be deleted or changed on any copies or print-outs of this file. With these provisos, anyone may copy this file for personal use or research. Copies may be made for other individuals at reasonable cost of copying and mailing only, no additional charges may be added. Not for "share-ware" distribution or inclusion in any commercial enterprise. ************************************************************************