Outlining the Solar Myth -
Theme of Temptation to be Lazy

Near the beginning of any long and difficult journey, such as the one the Sun has just embarked on, there is the temptation to be lazy. Why should the Sun embark on such a long and difficult journey? Why should the Sun bother to climb higher and higher in the sky each day, making the days longer and the dark nights shorter? We want the Sun to conquer the cold and darkness with longer warmer days. The Sun is tempted to be lazy. However, for our sake, the Sun will resist that temptation to give in to the forces of cold and darkess. The Sun has a mission to fulfill. The Sun must embark on its journey so that we may have a bountiful harvest and continue to live.

The temptation to be lazy is a common theme we find expressed near the beginning of a solar myth. The Sun is tempted, but the Sun spurns the temptation. The Sun will not allow cold and darkness to reign. The Sun will continue on it's journey.

5. The temptation to give in to the forces of darkness,
6. and the resistance to that temptation.
[Jesus, after starting his one year mission by visiting John the Baptist (Mat. 3), is tempted by the devil (Mat. 4:1-11)] but he rebukes the devil's offers (Mat. 4:4,7,10-11)]

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