CSL-1A The Screwtape Letters - CS Lewis 1990.wmv 71,023KB 320x240 0:22:13 LFH-42 Hebrews 6 Salvation Has Inevitable Accompaniments 1976.wmv 198,335KB 320x240 1:02:05 Peter Marshall and Zacchaeus and Giving The Lords's Way 1986.wmv 158,350KB 320x240 0:49:35 S-2574 Phillipians - Paul's Joy Letter 1987.wmv 75,031KB 320x240 0:23:28 S-2807 You Have The Poor With You Always 1988.wmv 146,660KB 320x240 0:45:55 S-3792 Ephesians 1 Review and Reinforcement 1992.wmv 154,269KB 320x240 0:48:18 S-3807 Ephesians 1_4 Chosen 1992.wmv 81,121KB 320x240 0:25:23 S-4171 Colossians 1_11 Walk Worthily 1994.wmv 185,306KB 320x240 0:58:07 S-4260 G Campbell Morgan - The God-governed Life 1995.wmv 166,523KB 320x240 0:52:08 VF-11A Ephesians 6 - God's Formula For Strength 1976.wmv 140,780KB 320x240 0:44:03 VF-181 Easter Message - A Rational Basis For Faith 1980.wmv 191,111KB 320x240 0:59:49 VF-412 The Tabernacle - Type of The Christian Walk 1985.wmv 234,319KB 320x240 1:13:22 VF-530 The Resurrection Part 1 of 3 1987.wmv 188,849KB 320x240 0:59:07 VF-597 1 Corinth 9 Giving - God Gave Us His Plan 1988.wmv 215,700KB 320x240 1:07:31 VF-611 The Resurrection and The Set Times of The Lord.wmv 207,426KB 320x240 1:04:56 VF-647 Basic Christianity Defined 1989.wmv 221,136KB 320x240 1:09:13 VF-1027 Ephesians, A Gestalt - The Lord Is My Strength and My Song 1996.wmv 229,726KB 320x240 1:11:56 VF-1037 Basic Christianity - The Born Again Experience 1997.wmv 214,081KB 320x240 1:07:01 VF-1038 Basic Christianity - Bearing Fruit of The Spirit 1997.wmv 264,454KB 320x240 1:22:49 VF-1057 Basic Christianity - God's Purpose For The Church 1997.wmv 281,834KB 320x240 1:28:15 VF-1130 King David - A Type of God's Forgiveness 1998.wmv 183,750KB 320x240 0:57:35 VF- Revelations Ch2 The Church of Ephesus Lost Their First Love.wmv 166,697KB 320x240 0:52:11