1982-05-02 - S-1064 - Theology of Giving - Francis Schaffer's book, Lex Rex.ra 1982-05-13 - S-1071 - Giving -The Fairness Doctrine.Dr. Scott teaches from Leon Jaworski's book, Crossroads.ra 1984-04-15 - VF-374 - Giving -No Nonsense Faith (Haggai).ra 1984-05-07 - S-1593 - Giving - The Substance of Grace; Our Liberty in Christ.ra 1985-01-20 - S-1884 - First Fruits -An Old Testament pattern in Today's terms.ra 1985-10-02 - S-2033 - Tithing - The Tithe(s) Before and After the Law.ra 1988-04-17 - VF-582 - Giving - The Church's Reason For Being & A Synonym For Righteousness (I Corinthians 15; Exodus 30; Matthew 6).ra 1988-04-24 - VF-583 - Giving - Perpetually Center Stage in the God-Man Relationship.ra 1988-05-15 - VF-586 - Giving - From A to Z; A Sweet Savor That God Likes.ra 1988-07-03 - VF-593 - Giving - God's Purpose Set Against the World's Philosophy (II Corinthians 8 & 9; Psalm 112; Matthew 19).ra 1988-07-03 - C-0055 - Communion and Giving - Eucharists (II Corinthians 9; I Corinthians 11).ra 1988-08-07 - C-0056 - Communion and Giving via the Atonement.ra 1988-09-11 - VF-603 - Giving - An Outline of The Feast Days - The 1,000 Year Finale of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14).ra 1988-10-23 - VF-609 - Giving - The Principle & Purpose of God's Choice via The Potter's House (Jeremiah 18.1-7).ra 1989-02-12 - VF-625 - Giving - The Real Evidence of God's Spirit In Us (Acts 2, 4 & 5).ra 1990-02-11 - VF-677 - An Opportunity to Faithe - via the Loaves and the Fishes.ra 1990-02-18 - VF-678 - Stewardship - Faithfulness In Things of Eternity vs. This Generation (Matt. 6; Luke 16).ra 1990-02-25 - VF-679 - Giving - Faith vs. Phillips Answer.ra 1990-03-18 - VF-682 - Giving - The Talking Tree (Matt. 21).ra 1990-05-20 - VF-691 - Giving - God Positions Our Giving With Christ's Atoning Gift (1Cor. 15, 16).ra 1992-01-02 - S-3678 - Busting Traditional Views on Giving.ra 1994-04-19 - S-4094 - An Offering. An Odor of A Sweet Savor.ra 1995-09-03 - PN-045 - Giving - Feast of Tabernacles.ra 1997-08-31 - VF-1071 - Basic Christianity Defined - Stewardship.ra 1997-09-07 - VF-1072 - Basic Christianity Defined - Stewardship and Giving.ra 1997-09-14 - VF-1073 - Basic Christianity Defined - Stewardship (Leviticus 17.11, I Corinthians 11; Ephesians).ra 1999-02-07 - VF-1146a - Taking A Tax Deduction For Your Giving Is A Sin.ra 1999-03-21 - PN-070 - Giving in the Last Days.ra 2003-06-01 - S-4807 - Giving in This Church -Doing it for the Right Reasons.ra 2003-09-14 - S-4824 - A Biblical Reason for Giving from Galatians.ra 2003-09-17 - S-4825 - A Biblical Reason for Giving from Philippians.ra