Gene Scott FAITH: God's Heroes Gene Scott Lectures - Teaching Tape Numbers, Dates & Topics LFH-81 Abel: Respected by God - Hebrews 10, 11 12-11-77 LFH-82 Enoch: A Man That Pleased God - Hebrews 11 12-25-77 LFH-84 Abraham: Obeyed Not Knowing Whither He Went - Hebrews 11 1-29-78 LFH-91 Jacob: From Heel-Catcher to God-Governed - Hebrews 11 3-26-78 LFH-92 Joseph: Hung His Dead Bones On God's Promises - Hebrews 11 4-02-78 LFH-93 Moses: Chose God's Promise Rather Than The Riches of Egypt - Hebrews 11 4-09-78 LFH-94 Joshua and the Jericho Walls - Hebrews 11 4-16-87 LFH-99 Jephthah: I Have Opened My Mouth Unto The Lord And I Cannot Go Back - Hebrews 11 (Judges 11) 6-04-78 LF-155 Elijah: More Concerned With God's Word Then His Own Welfare - I Kings 17 12-09-79 VF-22 Gideon: Go In This Thy Might, Have I Not Sent Thee? Judges 6 7-11-76 VF-96 Deborah and Barak: If Thou Wilt Go With Me, Then I Will Go Judges 4 4-30-78 S-538 David: Getting It Together - Psalms 142, 57, 34 11-13-79 Note: The date given on the album cover for LFH-94 is probably a typo. Considering the other dates given for the rest of the album, the true date is likely 4-16-78. mp3 Format