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[DIR]Parent Directory -
[SND]1991-02-03 - VFR-728 - The Last Days - Satan And His Princes - Supernatural Forces Behind Earthly.mp3 16M
[SND]1991-02-03 - S-3462 - (2 Tapes) - The Media And Limits On Freedom Of Speech During Wartime - Mei.mp3 23M
[SND]1991-01-29 - S-3461 - Commentary - An Indecent Media Serving Saddam Hussein_ A Letter From Bush A.mp3 13M
[SND]1991-01-29 - S-3460 (3 tapes) - A History Lesson - Parallels Between Hitlers Germany and Hussein.mp3 41M
[SND]1991-01-27 - VFR-727 - The Last Days - Middle East Events - A Prelude To Anti-Christ - God Is In .mp3 16M
[SND]1991-01-27 - S-3459 - Mean Gene Review - A Fascistic Medias Constant Bias Toward Iraqi Propagand.mp3 16M
[SND]1991-01-25 - S-3458 - Commentary - The Medias Saddamy And Iraq's Racism And Facism - Republic.mp3 17M
[SND]1991-01-24 - S-3457 - (2 tapes) - The Medias Failure To Recognize The Cult Of Saddam Hussein - .mp3 22M