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Recently added/updated

The Teachings of Zoroaster
The Splendour of God (4/17/2010)
The Kebra Nagast (4/10/2010)
The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq (3/31/2010)
The Religion of the Sikhs (3/23/2010)
Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom (3/16/2010)
More Translations from the Chinese (3/12/2010)
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II (3/9/2010)
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. I (3/6/2010)
The Jataka, Vol. 6 (3/1/2010)
The Wisdom of Israel (2/26/2010)
The Path of Light (2/24/2010)
The Master Singers of Japan (2/20/2010)
The Book of Kells (2/14/2010)
The Duties of the Heart (2/10/2010)
Five Stages of Greek Religion (2/8/2010)
The Cattle Raid of Cualnge (2/5/2010)
Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints (2/3/2010)
The Holy Quran (Yusuf Ali tr.) (1/29/2010)
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Vol. 2 (1/24/2010)
The Standard Prayer Book (1/10/2010)
The Didache (1/3/2010)
The Chronicles of Jerahmeel (12/30/2009)
The Treasure of Atlantis (12/25/2009)
The Jataka, Vol. V (12/19/2009)
The Chaldean Account of Genesis (12/15/2009)
Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra (12/10/2009)
On the Migration of Fables(12/5/2009)
Thirty Minor Upanishads (11/28/2009)
The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme (11/15/2009)
The Confessions of Jacob Boehme (11/3/2009)
The Jataka, Vol. IV (10/23/2009)
Songs of the Tewa (10/23/2009)
Everything below this line is on the 9.0 DVD-ROM
The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus (10/9/2009)
The Philistines (10/1/2009)
The Jataka, Vol. III (9/14/2009)
Fantasy Novels of William Morris
Mysticism (8/28/2009)
The Lang Fairy Books (8/25/2009)
Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science (8/21/2009)
Dore Lectures on Mental Science (8/21/2009)
The Works of Lord Dunsany (8/19/2009)
Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues (8/18/2009)
Lost Books of the Bible (8/12/2009)
Karma-Yoga (8/7/2009)
The Babylonian Talmud in Selection
The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa (7/30/2009)
Symbolical Masonry (7/26/2009)
Tales from Chaucer (7/22/2009)
Works of Chaucer (Middle English) (7/22/2009)
The Gospel of Ramakrishna (7/18/2009)
A Feast of Lanterns (7/14/2009)
Fairy Tales of Modern Greece (7/9/2009)
Hymns of the Eastern Church (7/5/2009)
Self-Suggestion (7/2/2009)
The Feuds of the Clans (6/29/2009)
Spider Woman (6/25/2009)
Cosmic Consciousness (6/21/2009)
The Biography of the Bible (6/16/2009)
The Discourses of Epictetus (6/13/2009)
The Buddhist Catechism (6/11/2009)
The Path on the Rainbow (6/1/2009)
The World Bible (6/1/2009)
The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage (5/30/2009)
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola (5/28/2009)
Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art (5/25/2009)
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary (5/20/2009)
Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic (5/17/2009)
From the Upanishads (5/14/2009)
True Irish Ghost Stories (5/6/2009)
Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt (4/25/2009)
The Devils of Loudun (4/20/2009)
Folk-lore of Shakespeare (4/16/2009)
Illustrations of Masonry (4/9/2009)
The Buddha's Way of Virtue (4/4/2009)
Dakshinamurti Stotra (4/1/2009)
The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries (3/29/2009)
The Hindu Book of Astrology (3/25/2009)
The Book of Filial Duty (3/17/2009)
The Thunder Bird (3/17/2009)
Euripides and His Age (3/14/2009)
Songs of Innocence and of Experience (3/11/2009)
Records of the Past, 2:4 (3/8/2009)
Arabian Wisdom (3/4/2009)
The Golden Mountain (3/1/2009)
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3 (2/26/2009)
Ancient Egyptian Legends
Jesus An Essene (2/10/2009)
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 2 (2/5/2009)
The Oera Linda Book (2/2/2009)
The Book of Odes (1/31/2009)
Secret Science Behind Miracles (1/26/2009)
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1 (1/22/2009)
Brahma-Knowledge (1/16/2008)
Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna (1/12/2008)
Buddhist Psalms (1/6/2009)
The Wisdom of the Talmud (1/3/2009)
Genji Monogatari (12/31/2008)
Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya (12/28/2008)
Shinran and His Work (12/22/2008)
The Smoky God (12/19/2008)
Records of the Past Vol. 2:3 (12/16/2008)
Ancient Jewish Proverbs (12/12/2008)
Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery (12/8/2008)
Selestor's Men of Atlantis (12/5/2008)
The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala (12/2/2008)
The Creed of Half Japan (11/26/2008)
The Religion of the Koran (11/22/2008)
Abominable Snowmen (11/18/2008)
Records of the Past, 2:2 (11/14/2008)
The Bustan of Sadi (11/9/2008)
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Volume 1 (11/6/2008)
Records of the Past, 2:1 (10/26/2008)
Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land (10/21/2008)
The Roman and Greek Questions of Plutarch (10/18/2008)
Chinese Occultism (10/15/2008)
The Science of Breath (10/12/2008)
The Art of War (10/12/2008)
Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics (10/9/2008)
The Migration of Symbols (9/30/2008)
Salaman and Absal (9/26/2008)
Stolen Legacy (9/23/2008)
Everything below this line is on the 8.0 DVD-ROM
Initiation, Human and Solar, by Alice Bailey [1922] (9/20/2008)
Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46) (9/17/2008)
Kundalini, the Mother of the Universe (9/14/2008)
The Book of Talismans (9/11/2008)
Yoga Vashishta, or Heaven Found (9/7/2008)
Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays, C.W. King tr. [1908] (9/4/2008)
Myths and Legends of China (8/29/2008)
Sacred Places in China (8/27/2008)
Tao Teh King, tr. Medhurst [1905] (8/22/2008)
Amitabha (8/19/2008)
The Book of Poetry (Shih Ching), tr. Legge [1876] (8/16/2008)
Wild Talents (8/12/2008)
Lo! (8/10/2008)
The Secret of the Ages (8/7/2008)
The Master Key System (8/1/2008)
The Authoress of the Odyssey (7/29/2008)
Your Forces and How to Use Them (7/25/2008)
Fragments of the Lost Writings of Proclus (7/23/2008)
The Evolution of the Dragon (7/20/2008)
Consciousness of the Atom (7/17/2008)
Unity Church (7/15/2008)
The Celtic Dragon Myth (7/12/2008)
Theosophy, by Rudolf Steiner (7/9/2008)
Studies in Islamic Mysticism (7/6/2008)
Old Peter's Russian Tales (7/3/2008)
Vedic Hymns, pt. I [SBE32](6/28/2008)
Jesus, the Last Great Initiate (6/25/2008)
Occult Science in India (6/21/2008)
The Philosopy of Natural Magic of Agrippa (6/18/2008)
Sappho and Phaon (6/16/2008)
The Secret of the Universe [1932] (6/13/2008)
The Poems of Sappho, tr. O'Hara (6/11/2008)
Brother of the Third Degree (6/9/2008)
Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor (6/6/2008)
Apollonius of Tyana, by G.R.S. Mead (6/4/2008)
The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, tr. Conybeare (6/4/2008)
The Goal of Life(5/30/2008)
Clairvoyance (5/26/2008)
Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness (5/23/2008)
Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers (5/21/2008)
Extra-Sensory Perception, by J.B. Rhine (5/18/2008)
Mental Radio(5/15/2008)
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects (5/13/2008)
Code of the Illuminati (5/11/2008)
The Minor Law-Books (SBE33) (5/9/2008)
Relax With Yoga (5/7/2008)
Wisdom of the Ages (5/5/2008)
Confucianism and Its Rivals (5/2/2008)
Raja Yoga (4/30/2008)
The Varieties of Religious Experience (4/27/2008)
Religion of the Luiseño Indians (4/24/2008)
Culture of the Luiseño Indians (4/24/2008)
Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians (4/24/2008)
Notes on the Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California (4/24/2008)
A Mission Record of the California Indians (4/22/2008)
The Religious Practices of the Diegueño Indians (4/20/2008)
The Union Haggadah (4/18/2008)
From India to the Planet Mars (4/15/2008)
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians (4/11/2008)
The Talmud (tr. Barclay) (4/8/2008)
Mysteries of the Qabalah (4/3/2008)
Grihya Sutras, Part II (SBE30) (4/1/2008)
Srimad Bhagavad Gita (3/28/2008)
Paradise Found (3/24/2008)
Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah (3/20/2008)
Zanoni (3/17/2008)
The Way to Nirvana (3/14/2008)
Pageant of the Popes (3/12/2008)
The Trial of Christ (3/7/2008)
Solar Biology (3/5/2008)
In Days To Come (3/3/2008)
India in Primitive Christianity (2/25/2008)
(African) Religion and Myth(2/22/2008)
Musings of a Chinese Mystic (2/19/2008)
The Latin Mass (2/17/2008)
Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Geoffrey of Monmouth (2/14/2008)
Pagan Christs (2/10/2008)
Buddhism and Immortality (2/6/2008)
Know Your Magnetic Field (2/3/2008)
The Signature of All Things, by J. Boehme (2/1/2008)
The Book of Enoch the Prophet (1/30/2008)
History of Utah, by H.H. Bancroft (1/27/2008)
Folklore and Legends: Oriental (1/22/2008)
Aphrodite, by Pierre Louÿs (1/20/2008)
The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes
From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe(1/17/2008)
The Secrets of the Self (1/13/2008)
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion (1/8/2008)
Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel (12/31/2007)
The Sorceress (12/25/2007)
The Secret of the Saucers (12/20/2007)
The Complete Sayings of Jesus (12/17/2007)
Arabic Thought and Its Place in History (12/15/2007)
Christmas Texts (12/10/2007)
The Little Clay Cart (12/8/2007)
The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo (12/4/2007)
Etidorhpa (12/2/2007)
The Mesnevi of Rumi and Acts of the Adepts (11/28/2007)
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment (11/25/2007)
The Glory of the Shia World (11/22/2007)
The Lost Continent (11/20/2007)
Works of Florence Scovel Shinn (11/18/2007)
Atlantida (L'Antlantide) (11/14/2007)
Writings of Spinoza (11/12/2007)
I Remember Lemuria (11/10/2007)
Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans (11/8/2007)
The Basic Teachings of Confucius (11/2/2007)
The Grateful Dead: The History of a Folk Story (10/30/2007)
Arabian Poetry (10/26/2007)
Collectanea Chemica (10/21/2007)
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (10/17/2007)
A Rabbi's Impressions of the Oberammergau Passion Play (10/12/2007)
The Quimby Manuscripts (10/5/2007)
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (the Jefferson Bible) (10/3/2007)
The Peyote Cult (10/1/2007)
The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories (9/29/2007)
The Transmigration of the Seven Brahmans (9/27/2007)
The Fountain of Life (Fons Vitae) (9/23/2007)
Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol (9/21/2007)
The Grateful Dead: The History of a Folk Story (10/30/2007)
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras (9/20/2007)
The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29) (9/14/2007)
Pythagoras and the Delphic Mysteries (9/12/2007)
In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom (9/6/2007)
Everything below this line is on the 7.0 DVD-ROM
Philippine Folklore Stories
Philippine Folk Tales (9/5/2007)
The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England
Works of St. Anselm
Story of My Misfortunes: The Autobiography of Peter Abelard
Works of St. Anselm
The Cloud of Unknowing
Imitation of Christ (9/4/2007)
The Old North Trail (9/3/2007)
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (8/30/2007)
The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi (8/29/2007)
Unveiling a Parallel (8/26/2007)
Oriental Mysticism (8/22/2007)
Origins of the Druze People and Religion (8/20/2007)
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika(8/18/2007)
Works of John Calvin (8/17/2007)
The Little Flowers of St. Francis (8/14/2007)
Pahlavi Texts, Part V (SBE47) (8/13/2007)
Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE37) (8/11/2007)
What All the World's A-Seeking (8/7/2007)
Summa Theologica (8/6/2007)
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors (8/5/2007)
The Earthly Paradise (Dec.-Feb.) (8/3/2007)
Sun Lore of All Ages (7/30/2007)
Self-Contradictions of the Bible (7/28/2007)
Blackfoot Lodge Tales (7/25/2007)
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land (7/23/2007)
General Ahiman Rezon (7/21/2007)
The Earthly Paradise, (Sept.-Nov.) (7/18/2007)
Yucatan Before and After the Conquest (7/16/2007)
Fortune-Telling by Cards (7/11/2007)
Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (excerpts: work in progress) (7/10/2007)
The Ancient Irish Goddess of War (7/10/2007)
The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid (7/4/2007)
The Secret History of Procopius (7/2/2007)
Pale Ink (6/27/2007)
Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE24) (6/24/2007)
The Unicorn (6/21/2007)
The Earthly Paradise, Part I (6/16/2007)
Hymn to Kali (6/14/2007)
An Eternal Career (6/12/2007)
Garden Cities of To-morrow (6/7/2007)
The Story of Utopias (6/6/2007)
The Communistic Societies of the United States (6/2/2007)
The Hermetic Museum (5/31/2007)
The English Gipsies and Their Language (5/29/2007)
The White Yajurveda (5/26/2007)
Life and Its Mysteries (5/23/2007)
Great Systems of Yoga (5/19/2007)
The Most Holy Trinosophia (5/15/2007)
The Works of Julius Caesar (5/12/2007)
Mythical Monsters (5/10/2007)
Pahlavi Texts, Part I (SBE 5) (5/3/2007)
The Hymns of the Atharvaveda (4/29/2007)
The Epic of Gilgamish (4/26/2007)
Japanese Haiku (4/22/2007)
Tilak of Tibet Reveals Life's Purpose (4/18/2007)
Bird Parliament (4/12/2007)
Stonehenge, A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids (4/12/2007)
Harmonies of the World (4/7/2007)
Native Tribes of Central Australia (3/31/2007)
The Life of Buddha (3/30/2007)
The Zend Avesta, Part III (SBE 31) (3/29/2007)
The Gateless Gate (3/26/2007)
Famous Men of the Middle Ages (3/24/2007)
I.N.R.I.: De Mysteriis Rosæ Rubeæ et Aureæ Crucis (3/23/2007)
Mankind United (3/18/2007)
Architecture, Mysticism and Myth (3/15/2007)
The Zend Avesta, Part II (SBE 23) (3/9/2007)
Fifty Christmas Poems for Children (3/6/2007)
Thanks, Eliza!
The Human Atmosphere (3/1/2007)
Chinese Buddhism (2/27/2007)
A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands (2/24/2007)
American Indian Fairy Tales (2/21/2007)
The Zend Avesta, Part I: Vendîdâd (SBE04) (2/19/2007)
The New Word (2/14/2007)
Love and Death (2/8/2007)
Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered (2/4/2007)
Survivals of Belief Among the Celts (1/27/2007)
When the Storm God Rides (1/21/2007)
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part V (SBE 44) (1/20/2007)
Swedenborg Index (1/17/2007)
Pomo Bear Doctors (1/14/2007)
The House of the Hidden Places (1/9/2007)
In Tune with the Infinite (1/5/2007)
The Sacred Fire (1/1/2007)
The Meaning of Masonry (12/30/2006)
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part IV (SBE 43) (12/19/2006)
Lives of the Saints (12/14/2006)
The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo (12/12/2006)
Christmas in Ritual and Tradition (12/6/2006)
The Rosetta Stone (12/5/2006)
Devil Worship in France (12/3/2006)
Tractate Berakoth (12/2/2006)
Theory of the Earth (12/1/2006)
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part III (11/29/2006)
Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Through Time (11/21/2006)
Proofs of a Conspiracy (11/18/2006)
Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ and
The Great Controversy (11/16/2006)
Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus (11/15/2006)
General Book of the Tarot (11/11/2006)
Forty Modern Fables (thanks, Eliza!), and
My Trip to Mars. (11/9/2006)
Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta (11/8/2006)
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part II (SBE 26) (10/5/2006)
Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism (11/1/2006)
We Met the Space People (10/30/2006)
Comte de Gabalis (10/28/2006)
Unveiled Mysteries (10/18/2006)
The Myth of the Birth of the Hero (10/16/2006)
A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure (10/9/2006)
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part I (SBE 12) (10/7/2006)
The Religions of South Vietnam in Faith and Fact (10/4/2006)
Karezza, Ethics of Marriage (10/3/2006)
The Comte de St. Germain (10/1/2006)
A Miracle in Stone: or, The Great Pyramid of Egypt (9/28/2006)
The Kybalion (9/23/2006)
Myths of Greece and Rome (9/21/2006)
Everything below this line is on the 6.0 DVD-ROM
The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise (9/18/2006)
The Brahan Seer (9/13/2006)
Creative Mind and Success (9/11/2006)
The Story of Beowulf (9/8/2006)
Noa Noa (9/6/2006)
The Sayings of Lao Tzu and
Coffee in the Gourd (thanks, Eliza!) (9/4/2006)
With the Adepts (9/2/2006)
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (8/30/2006)
Male Continence and
Karezza. (8/28/2006)
History of Philosophy in Islam (8/27/2006)
Random File
This is a feature which generates a link to a random
title in the catalog. (8/25/2006)
Site Catalog
Months in preparation, this feature will make it a lot
easier to find what you're looking for at sacred-texts. (8/19/2006)
Strong's Hebrew and Greek lexicon
The Polyglot Bible is now extensively cross-referenced with Strong's lexicon. (8/16/2006)
Guide for the Perplexed
Newly reformatted with extensive proofing. (8/12/2006)
The Koran (Rodwell tr.)
and many improvments to the Quran section of the site. (8/10/2006)
Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales (8/8/2006)
Folklore of the Holy Land; Moslem, Christian and Jewish (7/29/2006)
Jaina Sutras, Part II (SBE45) (7/27/2006)
An H.P. Lovecraft Anthology,
and added The Necronomicon index. (7/25/2006)
The Polyglot Bible (7/24/2006)
Think and Grow Rich (7/20/2006)
Georgian Folk Tales (7/16/2006)
Mimes of the Courtesans (Lucian) (7/15/2006)
Jaina Sutras, Part I (SBE22) (7/12/2006)
Hawaiian Folk Tales (7/10/2006)
The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání (7/3/2006)
An Arthurian Miscellany (6/23/2006)
The Cabala (6/21/2006)
The Garuda Purana (6/17/2006)
Armenian Legends and Poems (6/14/2006)
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten (6/9/2006)
Black Marigolds (6/7/2006)
The Man in the Panther's Skin (6/1/2006)
The Gnostics and Their Remains (5/28/2006)
Also, added the Gnosticism index.
The Real History of the Rosicrucians (5/20/2006)
The History of the Knights Templars (5/16/2006)
The Tale of the Armament of Igor (5/11/2006)
The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal (5/8/2006)
The Rosicrucians, Their Rites and Mysteries (5/1/2006)
Secret Societies of the Middle Ages
Also, added the Sub Rosa index. (4/24/2006).
Orlando Furioso (4/22/2006)
The Prem Sagar (4/19/2006)
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci (4/17/2006)
The Lusiad (4/10/2006)
Early Church Fathers (4/2/2006)
The Kitab al Khazari of Judah Hallevi (3/31/2006)
Works of Lucian, Vol. 4
This completes the Fowler & Fowler translation of the
Works of Lucian of Samosata.
The Syrian Goddess (3/22/2006)
The Mahabharata in Sanskrit (parallel Devanagari and Romanization) (3/21/2006)
The Ramayana in Sanskrit (update: Devanagari)
The Vishnu Purana (3/15/2006)
A True Story, by Lucian of Samosata [parallel English/Greek] (3/9/2006)
The Law and the Word (2/25/2006)
The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster(2/23/2006)
The Symbolism of Freemasonry (2/22/2006)
Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (2nd ed.) (2/15/2006)
Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic (2/14/2006)
The Web of Indian Life (2/12/2006)
Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine (2/8/2006)
Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan (2/6/2006)
Studies from an Eastern Home (2/2/2006)
The Jataka, Vol. II (1/30/2006)
Sixty Folk-Tales from Exclusively Slavonic Sources (1/22/2006)
The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology (1/19/2006)
A Journey in Southern Siberia (1/13/2006)
or The Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the
Fifth Century (1/11/2006)
Kali the Mother (1/9/2006)
The Jataka, Vol. I (1/8/2006)
Indian Myth and Legend (1/2/2006).
Gypsy Folk Tales,
and the Roma Index (12/21/2005).
Tower Legends (12/14/2005)
The Argonautica
parallel English/Greek (12/13/2005)
The Amish (12/12/2005)
The Voyage of Bran (12/11/2005)
Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race (12/9/2005)
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria (12/5/2005)
Celtic Myth and Legend, by Charles Squire. (11/22/2005)
The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila (11/22/2005)
Hymns to the Goddess (11/20/2005)
Hindu Mysticism (11/15/2005)
The Way of Power (11/14/2005)
Dynamic Thought (11/12/2005)
Tacitus parallel English/Latin (11/11/2005)
The History of Herodotus parallel English/Greek (11/10/2005)
The Creed of Buddha (11/9/2005)
Greek Popular Religion (11/8/2005)
The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Volume II 11/7/2005
The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Volume I 11/6/2005
The Philosophy of Alfarabi (11/3/2005)
Carmina Gadelica, Volume II (11/1/2005)
Carmina Gadelica, Volume I (10/25/2005)
The Wandering Host (10/24/2005)
The Hidden Power (10/21/2005)
The Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha (10/18/2005)
Creative Mind (10/16/2005)
The Kabbalah, or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews (10/13/2005)
Sepher Yezirah (10/3/2005)
In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth (9/28/2005)
This was contributed by the volunteer known as 'Simon Magus.' Thanks!
The Talmud: Selections (9/26/2005)
Jewish Mysticism (9/23/2005)
Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 9: The Qur’ân, part II (9/21/2005)
Thought Relics,
by Rabindranath Tagore (prepared by JBH),
also Navajo Creation Myth, prepared by the
volunteer known as 'Simon Magus'. (9/20/2005)
Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 6: The Qur’ân, part I
I've also uploaded the Philosophy and
Shakespeare sections, which were previously
only available on the CD-ROM.
The Secret Rose Garden of Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud Shabistari (9/9/2005)
Islam, by John A. Williams. (9/6/2005)
Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory (9/4/2005)
SBE20: Vinaya Texts, Part III (8/28/2005)
SBE19: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King, a Life of Buddha (8/23/2005)
SBE18: Pahlavi Texts, Part II (8/19/2005)
SBE17: Vinaya Texts, Part II (8/4/2005) (JBH)
Also, a volunteer has contributed Old Norse Poems
SBE03: Confucian Texts Part I
This is a complete overhaul of this important SBE volume.
SBE14: Sacred Laws of the Âryas, part II (7/26/2005)
The Sacred Theory of the Earth (7/21/2005)
Manners, Customs and Observances (7/19/2005)
Thanks to Eliza at!
Christian Topography (7/13/2005)
The Book of Earths (7/11/2005)
The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man (7/6/2005)
Tibetan Folk Tales (7/5/2005)
Pistis Sophia (7/3/2005)
A Journey to the Earth's Interior (6/28/2005)
SBE02: Sacred Laws of the Âryas, part I (6/27/2005)
A completely re-edited and improved version of this text.
Mazes & Labyrinths, A General Account of Their History and Development (6/23/2005)
Lives of the Greek Heroines (6/20/2005)
Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man (6/19/2005)
The Phantom of the Poles (6/18/2005)
Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe (6/16/2005)
The Art of Worldly Wisdom (6/10/2005)
The Virgin of the World (6/8/2005)
The Cellular Cosmogony.
Also, started the Earth Mysteries index. (6/7/2005)
The Divine Pymander (6/2/2005)
The Kojiki (6/1/2005)
Tertium Organum (5/22/2005)
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii (5/17/2005)
Sports and Pastimes of the People of England (5/8/2005)
Mission Memories (5/3/2005)
Verses of Vemana (5/1/2005)
Later Poems, by W.B. Yeats (4/27/2005)
The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden (4/25/2005)
Hawaiian Historical Legends (4/23/2005)
The Vimanika Shastra (4/21/2005)
Hawaiian Mythology (4/19/2005)
The Kumulipo (Liliuokalani, tr.) (4/12/2005)
Kalidasa: Shakuntala and Other Works (4/10/2005)
The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man
Thanks to Eliza Yetter from Sacred Spiral!
SBE 38: The Vedanta Sutras of Badarayana, with commetary by Sankara, Part II (4/6/2005)
Thanks to Srinivasan Sriram and Distributed Proofing!
An Introduction to Astrology (4/2/2005)
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans (3/27/2005)
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos (3/23/2005)
Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends (3/20/2005)
A Heifer of the Dawn (3/18/2005)
The Descent of the Sun (3/10/2005)
The Devi Bhagavatam (3/8/2005)
Thanks to the volunteer known as 'Sahaji'!
The Worship of the Serpent (3/6/2005)
Other Tongues--Other Flesh (2/15/2005)
The Doctrine of the Last Things (2/15/2005)
Notes on the Book of the Revelation (2/12/2005)
The Man of Sorrows (2/11/2005)
Râmakrishna, His Life and Sayings (2/8/2005)
Morals and Dogma (2/6/2005)
also, Lore of the Unicorn (2/6/2005),
thanks to Eliza Yetter from!
The Builders (1/29/2005)
Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor (1/27/2005)
The Druid Path (1/24/2005)
Pagan Prayers (1/18/2005)
Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva
This completes the Mahabharata etext (1/12/2005).
The Hero of Esthonia, volume 2.
Thanks to 'Simon Magus'!
Myths and Legends of the Andamans (1/6/2005)
How To Be A Yogi (1/2/2005)
Ancient Art and Ritual (12/30/2004)
The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas (12/22/2004)
Stories of Russian Folk-Life (12/20/2004)
The Key of Gold: 23 Czech Folk Tales (12/18/2004)
The Book of Revelation, by Clarence Larkin (12/15/2004)
Festivals of Western Europe (12/10/2004)
Thanks to Eliza at Sacred Spiral!
The Awakening of Faith (12/9/2004)
The Legends of Genesis (12/5/2004)
The Mahabharata, Book 12, part 3
This completes Book 12 of the Mahabharata.
The Mahabharata, Book 12, part 2 (11/21/2004)
The Garden of Eden [JBH]
Yoruba Legends [Simon Magus] (11/21/2004)
The Mahabharata, Book 12, part 1 (11/20/2004)
Heroic Ballads of Servia
Thanks to 'Simon Magus'!
The Hero of Esthonia, vol. 1.
Thanks to 'Simon Magus'! (11/13/2004)
The Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit. (11/10/2004)
The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom by Shankara
and The Ramayana in Sanskrit (11/6/2004)
Mahabharata Book 7: Drona Parva (11/4/2004)
Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist (11/1/2004)
Zen for Americans (10/25/2004)
The Negro, by W.E.B. Du Bois. (10/23/2004)
The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva (10/22/2004)
The Promised Key (10/17/2004)
Sumerian Mythology (10/14/2004)
The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy (10/8/2004)
Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees (10/7/2004)
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire (10/4/2004)
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (9/30/2004)
The source book for Mel Gibson's controversial movie The Passion of Christ.
Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland (9/26/2004)
A Hundred Verses from Old Japan (9/19/2004)
Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (9/17/2004)
The Story of Gio (9/16/2004)
Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz (9/15/2004)
Yaqui Myths and Legends (9/3/2004)
Folk Tales of Brittany (9/1/2004)
9/11 Remembrance Page (8/31/2004)
The Life of Merlin (Vita Merlini) (8/30/2004)
A Buddhist Bible (8/28/2004)
Legends and Romances of Brittany (8/25/2004)
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin (8/17/2004)
Orpheus: Myths of the World [JBH].
The Orkneyingers Saga, thanks to (8/12/2004).
NOTE: everything below this line made it into the 4.0 version
of the CD-ROM. Everything above will be in the next version.
Two more works by Aristotle:
Poetics, and Politics. (8/5/2004)
The Septuagint (8/4/2004)
The Children of Odin (7/30/2004)
The Great March (7/30/2004)
The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales (7/28/2004)
Aristotle page (7/27/2004)
Paradoxes of the Highest Science (7/24/2004)
The Book of Jubilees (7/22/2004)
Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism (7/16/2004)
The Theogony of Hesiod in Greek (7/13/2004)
Easton's Bible Dictionary (update)
Added hyperlinks from the EBD back into the KJV.
Seneca Indian Myths (7/8/2004)
The Heroic Enthusiasts, Part II (6/28/2004)
Iroquoian Cosmology (6/24/2004)
The Candle of Vision (6/21/2004)
The Book of Giants (6/20/2004)
contributed by 'Simon Magus'.
Early British Trackways (6/17/2004)
The Canon of Reason and Virtue (6/16/2004)
This is an additional translation of the Tao te Ching
which includes the complete Chinese text in embedded graphics.
The Coming of the Fairies (6/15/2004)
The Secret Teachings of All Ages. (6/11/2004)
The Book of Enoch (6/5/2004)
Love's Coming-of-Age (6/3/2004)
A Book of Saints and Wonders (6/2/2004)
Contributed by Phillip Brown. Thanks Phillip!
The Pyramid Texts (6/1/2004),
scanned at, is literally the oldest book in the world.
Dragons and Dragon Lore, (6/1/2004)
thanks to Eliza at
The Holy Qur'an (5/26/2004)
This includes the Yusuf Ali translation, pronunciation guide and
Arabic script in gif image files.
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. IV (5/22/2004)
This completes the entire four volumes of this work.
I've also added a master index for the series.
The Biblical Antiquities of Philo (5/13/2004)
The Story of the Champions of the Round Table (5/7/2004)
Stories of the Months and Days (5/6/2004)
Contributed by Eliza Fegley at Thanks, Eliza!
Legends and Romances of Spain (5/4/2004)
Contributed by H.G. Thanks!
Gisli the Outlaw
I also added the Icelandic Lore index.
The Forgotten Books of Eden (4/27/2004)
The Ideals of the East (4/23/2004)
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. III (4/21/2004)
A Study of Fairy Tales (4/21/2004)
Contributed by Eliza Fegley at
Thanks, Eliza!
Psalms of the Sisters (4/15/2004)
Thanks to Mary Mark Ockerbloom of
A Celebration
of Women Writers
Pagan and Christian Creeds (4/15/2004)
Thanks to Eliza at for providing the initial
proof file on this text!
Ioläus (4/15/2004)
A Problem in Greek Ethics (4/13/2004)
Mother Shipton Investigated (4/8/2004)
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. II (4/7/2004)
The Lost Lemuria
Four Theosophical maps of Atlantis
and Two Theosophical maps of Lemuria. (3/31/2004)
Popular Tales from the Norse (3/28/2004)
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. I (3/26/2004)
Baltic Wizards (3/23/2004)
contributed by
Eliza Fegley at Sacred Spiral Kids
Thanks, Eliza!
Jataka Tales (3/22/2004)
contributed by
Eliza Fegley at Sacred Spiral Kids
Thanks, Eliza!
Folk Tales From the Russian (3/18/2004)
Contributed by 'Some Dude'. Thanks, Dude!
The Four Ancient Books of Wales (3/17/2004)
Cuchulain of Muirthemne
An update of this etext.
Japanese Fairy Tales (3/6/2004)
Contributed by Eliza at
Thanks, Eliza!
Unicode Homer (3/5/2004)
The Mabinogion (3/4/2004)
This is an updated and expanded version of this etext.
The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns & Fairies (2/27/2004)
The Evil Eye (2/25/2004)
The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy (2/21/2004)
thanks to Eliza Fegley at
Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend (2/19/2004)
The Norse Discovery of America (2/18/2004)
Basque Legends (2/15/2004)
Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People (2/10/2004)
The Religion of the Ancient Celts (2/7/2004)
Some Western Shoshoni Myths (2/2/2004)
Origin Myth of Acoma (1/30/2004)
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries (updated) (1/28/2004)
This is a revised version of this etext with numerous corrections.
I added a missing chapter and reformatted it to current site standards.
How I Found the Lost Atlantis, by Paul Schliemann (1/26/2004)
Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva (1/23/2004)
Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva (1/16/2004)
Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva (1/13/2004)
Drums and Shadows (1/10/2004)
Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans (1/9/2004)
Donated by Eliza Fegley. Thanks Eliza!
Stories from the Faerie Queene (1/8/2004)
Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons (1/5/2004)
Funeral Customs (1/4/2004)
contributed by Eliza at Thanks Eliza!
Indians of The Yosemite Valley and Vicinity (1/1/2004)
From Ritual to Romance (12/31/2003)
The Amazons (12/29/2003)
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored (12/22/2003)
There are a couple of new articles about Taoism
here and
here, thanks to Chris Weimer.
Also Chris donated some articles about the Isma`ili branch of Shi'ite Islam. (12/21/2003)
The Faerie Queene
The Golden Asse
Many new Dramas of Euripides
The Enneads of Plotinus (12/19/2003)
The Delight Makers (12/18/2003)
The Symbolism of the Tarot, by P. D. Ouspensky (12/14/2003)
Tales of the Cochiti Indians, by Ruth Benedict (12/12/2003)
The Sacred Symbols of Mu (12/9/2003)
In The Seven Woods, by W. B. Yeats (12/5/2003)
Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories (12/4/2003)
The Vampire Codex (12/2/2003)
The Mahabharata, Book 4
The Songs of Bilitis (12/1/2003)
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (11/29/2003)
The Worm Ouroboros (11/27/2003)
Tao, the Great Luminant (11/20/2003)
thanks to Chris Weimer!
The Magic of the Horse-Shoe (11/19/2003)
contributed by Eliza at
Thanks Eliza!
Moon Lore (11/18/2003)
Ishtar and Izdubar (11/13/2003)
The Lore and the Lure of the Yosemite (11/10/2003)
The Chaldean Account of the Deluge
Algonquin Legends of New England
The Realness of Witchcraft in America and
Book of Nature Myths -- thanks Eliza!
Eskimo of Siberia -- thanks Chris!
Human Nature in the Bible -- thanks 'Some Dude'!
Creation Myths of Primitive America (11/4/2003)
The Popol Vuh (10/28/2003)
Teutonic Myth and Legend (10/25/2003)
Chukchee Mythology
Contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (10/20/2003)
Dancing Gods (10/18/2003)
The Child Ballads (10/15/2003)
Mahabharata 8-11, 16-18 (10/14/2003)
The Nō Plays of Japan (10/13/2003)
The Holy Piby [JBH] (10/4/2003)
The Angel of the Prairies, contributed by 'Some Dude'. Thanks Dude! (10/4/2003)
Feng Shui (10/2/2003)
Robin Hood [JBH] (10/1/2003)
Origins of Popular Supersitions and Customs (contributed by Eliza at Thanks Eliza!). (10/1/2003).
NOTE: everything below this line made it into the 3.0 version
of the CD-ROM. Everything above will be in the next version.
Yana Texts (9/20/2003)
Tarot of the Bohemians [JBH] (9/18/2003)
Taoist Texts, donated by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (9/18/2003)
Angelus Silesius
Ssuma Ch'ien
Yang Chu's Garden of Pleasure
These were donated by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (9/15/2003)
Folk-Lore of Women
Donated by Eliza Fegley
Thanks Eliza! (9/12/2003)
The Book of Noodles
Donated by 'Some Dude'. Thanks Dude!
Tales of Yukaghir, Lamut, and Russianized Natives of Eastern Siberia (9/11/2003)
Chinigchinich, by Boscana (9/10/2003)
The Story of the Chaup;
A Myth of the Diegueños
Mythology of the Mission Indians
Two Myths of the Mission Indians of California
The Legend of Tauquitch and Algoot
Koryak Texts (9/5/2003)
Death and Funeral Customs Among the Omaha (9/3/2003)
Unicode Qur'an (9/3/2003)
Dawn of the World (8/28/2003)
Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights (Myths and Legends of the Pima) (8/26/2003)
A Book of Old English Ballads (8/23/2003)
The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva (8/21/2003)
Thanks to everyone at Distributed Proofing who worked on this!
Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians (8/17/2003)
Tsimshian Texts (Nass River Dialect) (8/14/2003)
Maidu Texts (8/12/2003)
Truth of a Hopi (8/10/2003).
The Religion of Numa (8/9/2003)
Hupa Texts (8/8/2003)
The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) (8/6/2003)
The Science of Mind (8/5/2003)
Tlingit Myths and Texts (8/2/2003)
Unicode Greek New Testament (8/1/2003)
Easton's Bible Dictionary (7/28/2003)
Haida Songs (7/24/2003)
Tsimshian Texts (7/23/2003)
The Trojan Women by Euripides
Donated by Eliza at
Thanks Eliza! (7/21/2003).
SBE 40: Taoist Texts, part II
(update, see below) (7/20/2003)
SBE 39: Taoist Texts, part I (7/19/2003)
This is an updated version of this text, with Chinese characters
embedded as high resolution monochrome image files.
The Chilam Balam (7/17/2003)
Kwakiutl Tales (7/15/2003)
The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life
The Gist of Swedenborg (7/14/2003)
Two texts donated by 'Some Dude'.
Thanks, Dude!
Also, I reformatted the Walam Olum
and wrote a new introduction (7/14/2003).
Chinook Texts (7/12/3003)
Worship of the Generative Powers (7/11/2003)
Contributed by Eliza at Thanks Eliza!
Taboo, Magic, Spirits (7/9/2003)
Contributed by Eliza at Thanks Eliza!
Coos Texts (7/8/2003)
I also started the Northwestern Native American
The Upanishads, Part II (SBE15) (7/7/2003)
A completely new version of this etext.
The Upanishads, Part I (SBE01) (6/28/2003)
A completely new version of this etext.
The Gospel of Barnabas (6/25/2003)
Islamic apocrypha, contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris!
Pagan Regeneration (6/25/2003)
contributed by Eliza Fegley at Thanks Eliza!
The Oracles of Nostradamus (6/24/2003)
The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship (6/22/2003)
The Vedanta Sutras with commentary by Sankaracharya, Part I (SBE34)
Thanks to Srinivasan Sriram, Juliet Sutherland,
and a cast of thousands at Distributed Proofing! (6/20/2003)
Jicarilla Apache Texts (6/15/2003)
A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus
Eliza at proofread the body of this text. Thanks Eliza!
Bushido, The Soul of Japan (6/11/2003)
The Questions of King Milinda, Part II (SBE 36)
Milinda is complete! (6/9/2003)
The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud
A set of Islamic Biblical legends, thanks to Chis Weimer. (6/9/2003)
The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (6/4/2003)
The Royal Museum at Naples (6/2/2003)
The Questions of King Milinda, pt. 1 (SBE 35) (5/29/2003)
Added the Miscellaneous section. (5/26/2003).
Contributed by (5/26/2003)
Bygone Beliefs
Contributed by Eliza at Thanks, Eliza! (5/26/2003)
The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sahba Parva (5/23/2003)
The Smokey the Bear Sutra (5/22/203)
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell (vol III)(5/21/2003)
Thanks to Chris Weimer for the following two Inuit books:
Eskimo Folk-Tales
Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo
The Book of Gates (5/18/2003)
The Book of the Am-Tuat (5/14/2003)
Legends of the Gods, the Egyptian Texts
Updated and expanded version of this text. (5/9/2003)
The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings (5/7/2003)
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism (5/4/2003)
Twenty-two Goblins (4/24/2003)
Indian Fairy Tales
Old Deccan Days (4/23/2003)
English Fairy and Other Folk Tales
A Peep at the Pixies (4/22/2003)
The Mahabharata, Book I: Adi Parva
Thanks to everyone at Distributed Proofing who worked on this!
A Sufi Message of Spritual Liberty
Thanks to Sergey Moskalev for this Sufi text!
More English Fairy Tales (4/18/2003)
English Fairy Tales (4/17/2003)
Apu Ollantay (4/16/2003)
Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales
The Poems of Ossian
The Book of Hallowe'en
The Book of Hallowe'en was contributed by Eliza Fegley
of Thanks Eliza! (4/12/2003)
The I Ching (4/5/2003)
This is a completely updated etext of the SBE 16 version
of this key text, translated by James Legge.
NOTE: everything below this line made it into the 2.0 version
of the CD-ROM. Everything above will be in the next version.
The Religious System of the Amazulu
A new African text, contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris!
Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas
Some new Inca material contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (3/28/2003)
South American Page
Chris Weimer has contributed a couple of great files about
South American traditions, so there is a new index
for this topic.
Thanks Chris!
Roumanian Fairy Tales and Legends (3/18/2003)
Wagner's Ring of the Niblung (3/18/2003)
The Wisdom of the Egyptians (3/14/2003)
King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table
The Ramayana
The first complete public domain translation online. (3/10/2002)
The Awakening of Faith of Ashvagosha
A Mahayana Buddhist text. (3/6/2003)
The Fairy Mythology
The Science of Fairy Tales
A Book of Folk-Lore
Tom Tit Tot, An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale (3/7/2003)
On the Study of Celtic Literature
The Irish Sketch-book
Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies
In Wicklow and West Kerry
The King of Ireland's Son
Tales of the Fairies and of the Ghost World
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland
Celtic Wonder Tales
Beside the Fire
The Aran Islands
Legends and Stories of Ireland
Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts
Two more texts from the defunct Belinus site. (3/1/2003)
Popular Romances of the West of England
Also added the
Celtic Folklore Page.
The Devî Gita
The Song of the Goddess.
The Prophecies of Paracelsus
Also added the Prophecy and Divination page.
Songs of the Russian People (2/20/2003)
The Samoan Story of Creation and
The Lore of the Whare-Wananga
Two new Polynesian texts donated by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (2/12/2003)
The Mysteries of Mithra (2/11/2003)
The Babylonian Talmud, Book 1: Tract Sabbath
The Rodkinson Talmud etext is now complete! (2/6/2003)
The Vedanta Sutras with commentary by Ramanuja
This was scanned by S. Sriram, and proofed by him and a cast of thousands
at Distributed Proofing. Thanks all! (2/1/2003)
Sadhana, The Realisation of Life
This file was donated by Chetan K. Jain at BharatLiterature. Thanks, Chet! (1/28/2003)
Tales and Maxims from the Midrash
Celtic Folklore, Welsh and Manx (1/23/2002)
Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands
A classic of ethnography by Bronislaw Malinowski. (1/22/2003)
The Story of Grettir the Strong
translated by Eiríkr Magnússon and Willam Morris (1/20/2003)
The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila
Contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (1/20/2003)
The Hymns of Orpheus
Translated by Thomas Taylor (1/18/2003).
The Saga of Viga-Glum
Contributed by Beau Salsman from The Northern Way. (1/13/2003)
Isis Unveiled. (1/13/2003)
A Textbook of Theosophy
Contributed by 'Some Dude'. Thanks, Dude! (1/13/2003)
At last, I've added a
Theosophy Index (1/13/2003).
Babylonian Talmud, Book 6
One more to go...
Works of Tagore
Thanks to Chetan K. Jain, BharatLiterature for donating these new Tagore files! (1/4/2003)
The New England Primer
The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Vol. IV Medieval Hebrew: featuring The Midrash (12/16/2002)
Guide for the Perplexed by Maimonides (12/16/2002)
Talmud Book 4
We have now completed 8 of the 10 books from the Rodkinson translation.
Ancient Fragments
Contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (12/12/2002)
A Dweller on Two Planets
A classic 19th Century account of Atlantis.
This is a major addition to the site, over a year in the making. (12/9/2002)
A biography of the author of Pilgrim's Progress, contributed by 'Some Dude'.
Thanks, Dude! (12/9/2002)
Myths of Ífè
Scanned by Chris Weimer, thanks Chris! (12/6/2002)
The Seven Tablets of Creation by L.W. King (12/3/2002)
Two Orations of the Emperor Julian (12/1/2002)
The Sun Dance of the Oglala Dakota (11/29/2002)
The Book of Jasher (11/29/2002)
The Book of Abraham, Its Authenticity Established...
'Some Dude' comes through with another Mormon document. Thanks Dude! (11/27/2002)
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology (11/27/2002)
Under the Prophet in Utah
Another etext donated by 'Some Dude'. Thanks Dude! (11/26/2002)
The Goddodin Poems
Prolegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry
A key Welsh text and an article about Welsh bardic poetry. (11/26/2002)
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions (11/22/2002)
Babylonian Talmud, Book 9 (11/20/2002)
More Sacred Time:
Jewish and
Mayan dates. (11/17/2002)
Sacred Time,
also Planetary Positions
Hadith of Bukhari
A very extensive Hadith collection. (11/13/2002)
Phase of the Moon
Islamic Date (11/10/2002)
Friar Bacon: His Discovery of the Miracles Of Art, Nature, And Magick
Contributed by Dr. Alan R. Young, Ph.D.
Thanks, Dr. Young! (11/8/2002)
Tenderfoot Days
Contributed by 'Some Dude'. Thanks, Dude! (11/8/2002)
Works of Ingersoll (vols. 1 and 2) (11/8/2002)
Shakti and Shâkta by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe)
Also, finally set up an index page for
Tantra, pending more additions. (11/5/2002)
The Lesser Key of Solomon,
by S.L.M. Mathers and Aleister Crowley. (11/4/2002)
The Book of Ceremonial Magic by A.E. Waite
Babylonian Talmud, Book 7: Baba Bathra (Last Gate) (10/31/2002)
The Magus, by Francis Barrett (10/23/2002)
Simplified the
shopping cart;
added new a subsection on Rosicrucianism,
including a whole archive of Max Heindel material,
and added a subsection in the UFO section about Mars (10/13/2002).
This text has been completely overhauled and reformatted.
Several missing pieces were added, as well as all the illustrations.
The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher)
A text about Japanese Neo-Confucianism, contributed
by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (10/6/2002)
NOTE: everything below this line made it into the 1.2 version
of the CD-ROM. Everything above will be in the next version.
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras (10/2/2002)
Te Pito Te Henua, or Easter Island
The Easter Island Tablets 'translated'. (10/1/2002)
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (9/22/2002)
Babylonian Talmud, Book 3
Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and Hagiga. (9/20/2002)
Sappho in Unicode
This is a reworking of the Sappho etext with Greek Unicode and
a slightly revised introduction. (9/16/2002)
The Kebra Nagast
This is a legendary history of Ethiopia, scanned
by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris!
This has been one of the most requested additions to the site. (9/12/2002)
Specimens of Ainu Folk-lore
More great Ainu material, scanned by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (9/8/2002)
The History of the Devil by Paul Carus
A massive study of the concept of evil. (9/5/2002)
Babylonian Talmud, Book 5
Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate) (8/28/2002)
The Kabbalah Unveiled by S.L.M. Mathers
This is a comprehensive etext of this unique collection of Zohar translations.
Aino Folk-Tales
This is the first book at this site
relating to the Japanese ethnic minority known as the Ainu.
Thanks to Chris Weimer for contributing this. (8/21/2002)
Added the 'About Unicode' page (8/19/2002)
The Heroic Enthusiasts by Giordano Bruno
Babylonian Talmud, Book 10: The History of the Talmud
This is the introduction to Rodkinsons' Talmud translation. (8/15/2002)
Added some texts about the Samaritans. (8/14/2002)
Legends of the Jews, by Louis Ginzberg
A massive collection of Haggada. (8/11/2002)
Babylonian Talmud, Book 2: Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana (8/8/2002)
The Confucian Canon in English and Chinese(8/9/2002)
this is the first Chinese Unicode file at this site.
Grey's Polynesian Mythology (updated)
Additional proofreading, and added an appendix on Maori music which
has been left out previously. (8/2/2002)
The Works of Josephus
Added translations of this important source on
1st Century Jewish history (7/30/2002)
Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling
by Charles G. Leland (7/29/2002)
Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (Pirqe Aboth)
A short but very profound section of Talmud.
Unicode version of the Tanakh
This is the first complete Unicode text at this site.(7/25/2002)
Babylonian Talmud, Book 8.: Tract Sanhedrin: Section Jurisprudence (Damages)
This is the first completed volume of the Rodkinson Talmud translation:
more to follow. (7/21/2002)
The Udâna,
a Buddhist text contributed by Chris Weimer. (7/21/2002)
Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition by Charles G. Leland. (7/16/2002)
The Political Aspects of S. Augustine's 'City of God'.
This was contributed by an Anonymous Volunteer. Thanks, Anonymous! (7/15/2002)
Aradia, Gospel of the Witches.
This version fixes numerous typos (particularly in the Italian text)
and is up to current coding standards. (7/2/2002)
Added the experimental translation feature. (6/30/2002)
The Enclosed Garden of the Truth:
A fascinating rare Sufi text. (6/27/2002)
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy (6/26/2002)
The Witch Persecutions (6/22/2002)
She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom);
a Tibetan text donated thanks to Chris Weimer. (6/21/2002)
Navaho Myths, Prayers and Songs,
by Washington Matthews. (6/21/2002)
The Mountain Chant: A Navajo Ceremony
by Washington Matthews (6/16/2002)
Chris Weimer donated two new early Christian texts. Thanks Chris!
The Book of the Bee
The Book of the Cave of Treasures(6/13/2002)
Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe
by Donald A. Mackenzie (6/7/2002)
The Dionysian Artificers (6/4/2002)
Oceanic Mythology by Roland B Dixon (5/28/2002)
Myths of the Miwok (5/24/2002)
The Bhagavadgita (SBE 8) (5/19/2002)
Vinaya Texts (SBE 13) (5/19/2002)
Christ In Islam (5/19/2002)
these two were contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris!
Yin Chih Wen,
The Tract of the Quiet Way (5/13/2002)
The Burden of Isis (5/6/2002)
Egyptian Mythology and
Egyptian Christianity (5/3/2002)
Added a section on Utopias and Dystopias
and finished another Donnelly book,
Cæsar's Column(5/1/2002)
Finished a long-overdue renovation
of the bookshop (4/28/2002).
Egyptian Myth and Legend
The overhaul of the Egyptian section continues...(4/27/2002)
Journal Articles
A collection of 19th Century academic journal articles,
mostly about Buddhism, contributed by Chris Weimer. Thanks Chris! (4/26/2002)
Egyptian Magic, by E.A. Wallis Budge (4/24/2002)
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life, by E.A. Wallis Budge(4/21/2002)
Egil's Saga Thanks to the Northvegr for contributing this text!(4/21/2002)
A massive overhaul of the Bible section
has been completed.
This includes verse anchors, systematic cross linking and a sensible file
naming convention. (4/19/2002)
Woman, Church and State by Matilda Joslyn Gage. (4/4/2002)
The Dhammapada and Sutta Nipâta (SBE10)
Thanks to Chris Weimer for redoing this important volume.
The Customs and Traditions of the Aboriginal
Natives of North Western Australia; by John G. Withnell
The Aborgines of Western Australia by
Albert F. Calvert.
Some new Australian material has turned up. (4/2/2002)
The Institutes of Vishnu
Sacred Books of the East Vol. 7 (3/27/2002)
The Flying Saucers Are Real
...or are they?
Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49),
also donated by Chris Weimer.
Songs of Kabîr,
Translated by Rabindranath Tagore
A new Lafcadio Hearn text, this time about Buddhism:
Gleanings in Buddha-Fields by Lafcadio Hearn
Thanks to Chris Weimer for donating the following text:
Buddhism In Translations
Japan, An Attempt At Interpretation
by Lafcadio Hearn
In Ghostly Japan by Lafcadio Hearn
Clothed With The Sun by Anna Kingsford.
A spiritualist masterpiece from the 19th Century with a feminist
twist, by a woman who was a key figure in the formation
of the Golden Dawn and Theosophy.
Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia
A massive text about Australian Aboriginal culture and traditions
A new Maori text:
Maori Religion and Mythology
A new Sufi text:
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî.
Check out the new Gothic Section
I've located a couple of new Taoist texts.
The first is the Book of Lieh-Tzü.
This is a great little book with many classic Taoist tales of magicians.
If you've seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and wondered
why and how everyone was flying around, this book will shed some light on the
Taoist Teachings Translated from the Book of
The second is an important Taoist treatise on ethics,
the Tai Shang Tractate. This edition has a collection of fables
which illustrate Taoist morality.
T'ai-Shang Kan-Ying P'ien,
Treatise of the Exalted One on Response and Retribution.
Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu
Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes
Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods
Jamaica Anansi Stories
Mystics of Islam
The Sibylline Oracles
Ragnarok, the Age of Fire and Gravel.
Sacred-texts has complete etexts of Tolkiens' source material:
Sources of Lord of the Rings
Updating the
Classics Page:
Added Aesop's Fables,
Plato, many other files, including
new Latin material...
Got Magick?
Check out the
Grimoires Page.
I'd like to buy a vowel...:
The Qur'an transliteration
has been improved to reflect the original Arabic text more closely
(the old version was missing final vowels).
Also, a version of the Tanakh with vowels
(the Hebrew Bible). has been added.