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Supplementum Lyricis Graecis, ed. D.L. Page (Oxford, 1974). |
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Supplementum Hellenisticum, ed. H. Lloyd- Jones and P. J. Parsons (Berlin and New York, 1983). |
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Modern authors cited by name alone or with abbreviated title |
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Baines, A., Bagpipes (Oxford (Pitt Rivers Museum), 1960; revised edn., 1979). |
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Barker, A., GMW = Greek Musical Writings (Cambridge, 1984-9). |
Becker, H., Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen Rohrblattinstrumente (Hamburg, 1966). |
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Chailley, J., La Musique grecque antique (Paris, 1979). |
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Gevaert, F. A., Histoire et théorie de la musique de l'antiquité (Ghent, 1875-81). |
Howard, A. A., 'The Aulos or Tibia', Harv. Stud. 4 (1893), 1-63. |
Kaimio, M., Characterization of Sound in Early Greek Literature ( Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 53, Helsinki, 1977). |
Kunst, J., Ethno-musicology, 3rd edn. (The Hague, 1959). |
Maas, M., and Snyder, J. McI., Stringed Instruments of Ancient Greece (New Haven and London, 1989). |
Merriam, A. P., The Anthropology of Music (Northwestern University Press, 1964). |
Nettl, B., FTM = Folk and Traditional Music of the Western Continents, 2nd edn. (Englewood Cliffs, N J, 1973). |