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Supplementum Lyricis Graecis, ed. D.L. Page (Oxford, 1974).
Supp. Hell.
Supplementum Hellenisticum, ed. H. Lloyd- Jones and P. J. Parsons (Berlin and New York, 1983).
Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. B. Snell and others (Göttingen, 1971- ).
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik.

Modern authors cited by name alone or with abbreviated title
Aign, B., Die Musikinstrumente des ägäischen Raumes bis um 700 vor Christus (Frankfurt am Main, 1963).
Baines, A., Bagpipes (Oxford (Pitt Rivers Museum), 1960; revised edn., 1979).
Brass = Brass Instruments (London, 1976).
Woodwind = Woodwind Instruments and their History, 3rd edn. (London, 1967).
Barker, A., GMW = Greek Musical Writings (Cambridge, 1984-9).
Becker, H., Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen Rohrblattinstrumente (Hamburg, 1966).
Behn, F., Musikleben im Altertum und frühen Mittelalter (Stuttgart, 1954).
Burkert, W., LS = Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism (Cambridge, Mass., 1972).
Chailley, J., La Musique grecque antique (Paris, 1979).
Gentili, B., and Pretagostini, R. (eds.), La Musica in Grecia (Rome and Bari, 1988).
Georgiades, T., Dergriechische Rhythmus (Hamburg, 1949).
Gevaert, F. A., Histoire et théorie de la musique de l'antiquité (Ghent, 1875-81).
Howard, A. A., 'The Aulos or Tibia', Harv. Stud. 4 (1893), 1-63.
Kaimio, M., Characterization of Sound in Early Greek Literature ( Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 53, Helsinki, 1977).
Kunst, J., Ethno-musicology, 3rd edn. (The Hague, 1959).
Maas, M., and Snyder, J. McI., Stringed Instruments of Ancient Greece (New Haven and London, 1989).
Merriam, A. P., The Anthropology of Music (Northwestern University Press, 1964).
Nettl, B., FTM = Folk and Traditional Music of the Western Continents, 2nd edn. (Englewood Cliffs, N J, 1973).

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