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Page viii
List of Plates
between pp. 210 and 211
1. Private sacrificial procession
2. Processions of dancers and musicians
3. Merry costumed dancers with piper
4. Citharode mounting the competition podium
5. Panathenaic procession
6. A piper accompanies a symposiast as he sings a piece of elegiac verse
7. Women making music
8. Women making bread, entertained by a piper
9. Marching warriors with piper
10. Athletes with pipers
11. Athenian school scene
12. Man with kithara and dancers
13. Seated minstrel
14. Citharode
15. Girl or Muse with round-based kithara
16. Satyr chorus with 'Thracian' kitharas
17. Pair of auloi, crested harp, and rectangular, 'Italiote' kithara
18. Young men playing tortoise-shell lyres
19. Alcaeus and Sappho holding barbitoi
20. Citharode tuning his lyre as he mounts the podium
21. Muse holding auloi, another playing a harp, Musaeus holding a lyra, and a round-based kithara
22. Woman with triangular harp
23. Girl holding a sambyke (?)
24. Woman playing a lute
25. Piper wearing a phorbeia
26. The Reading aulos
27. The aulete Pronomus
28. Satyr with panpipe and bagpipe
29. Panpipes
30. Scythian archer blowing a trumpet
31. Young man piping, courtesan dancing with castanets

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