Telesias 371 |
Telestes 165, 364 |
temperament 11, 167 |
tempo 153-7 |
rapid fingering 364 n.33, 370 |
teretismos 204, 268 |
Terpander 329-30 |
citharodic practices attr. to him 18-19, 215, 330 |
death anecdote 44 n.35 |
heptachord tuning 177 |
lyre improvements 52, 330, 362 |
mode 179, 330 |
at Sparta 31, 334-5 |
three-note tunes 173 |
tessitura 178-9 |
tetrachord 160-4, 172, 220-3, 227, 229-30 |
tetraktys 235 |
tetraseme 131, 155-6, 266, 318 |
Thaletas 31, 33, 334-5, 336 |
Thebes 14, 18, 37 n.117, 109 n.121, 269, 348, 366 |
Themison, C. Aelius 378 |
Themistocles 26 |
Theognis 25 |
Theon Smyrnaeus 5 |
Theophrastus 250 n.94 |
on aulos reeds 84, 104 |
Theoxenides 356 n.2 |
thesis 133-4 |
thetic/dynamic 221 |
thirds 302, 310, 311, 383, 390 |
Timotheus 361-4 |
classic status 372, 381-2 |
criticized 368 n.48, 369 n.55, 371 |
dithyrambs 363-4 |
form of nomos 215, 363 |
lyre 63-4, 362 |
at Macedon 368 n.52 |
modulation 165 |
rhythmic diversity 153, 363 |
Timotheus (aulete) 366 n.39 |
tityrinos aulos 93 |
tonarium 114 |
tone (interval) 10, 12, 167, 235 |
tonguing 120 |
tonoi, see keys |
tortoise shells 56-7 |
tragedy 350-5 |
actors' arias 214 |
not all actors sing 46 |
not all choreuts sing 47 |
chorus size 41 |
chromatic 351, 354 |
enharmonic 164-5, 248, 351-2 |
Hellenistic 375 |
importance of music 17 |
modes 179, 184, 352 |
organization of festival 20 |
origins 340 |
recitative 40 |
rhythms 136, 138-9, 141, 142-4, 146, 152-3 |
strophic systems 211-12 |
transcription of Greek music 12 |
tremolo 46 |
triadic structure 211, 339 |
trichordos,-on 80 |
trigonos, -on 72-3, 75 n.117, 76-7, 349 |
tripod (triple lyre) 226, 235 n.41 |
triseme 131, 138-9, 202, 245, 266, 311 |
tritone chord 206-7 |
trochaic rhythm 139-40 |
Damon 243 |
ethos 158 |
Phrygian mode 181 |
tempo 153, 154 |
trochaios semantos 156-7 |
Troglodytes 76 n.126, 128 |
Tropika 272 n.51 |
tropoi 188 n.103 |
see keys |
trumpet 81, 118-21, 381 |
tympanon 124 |
unison singing 40-1 |
Unmodulating System 222-3 |
Vienna papyri 195, 199 n. 18, 207, 269, 279, 382 |
vintaging songs 28-9 |
voice 39-47, 48 n.2 |
blend 45 |
quality 42-6 |
registers 275 |
volume 44 |
weddings 21 |
Westphal, R. 3, 261 |
women: |
concert artists 320-1, 378-9 |