phoinix, phoinikion 59 |
phorbeia 89, 118-19 |
phorminx 50-1, 52-3, 55 n.26 |
photinx 113 |
Phrygian mode 174-5, 180-1, 390 |
in dithyramb 180-1 |
earliest mentions 177, 331-2 |
inflammatory 31, 180-1 |
Stesichorus 339 |
in tragedy 181, 352 |
Phrygian musicians 330-2 |
Phrynichus 352 |
Phrynis 360-1 |
extra strings 64 |
Lesbian antecedents 347 |
modulation 182, 194-5, 356 |
became a classic 372 |
phusateria, phusallides 109 |
Pindar 344-7 |
alleged music to Pyth 1: 7 n.11 |
enharmonic 164 |
Epinician odes 22, 345 |
Lasus' influence 342, 343-4, 346 |
lyre 51, 346 |
modes 179, 180 n.65, 181-2, 183, 184, 347 |
rhythms (Pyth. 1) 151-2 |
status 35 |
words and music 200-1 |
pitch, absolute 12, 273-6 |
pitch pipe 113-14 |
plagiaulos 93, 113 |
Plato 169, 179-83, 224, 237, 248-9, 369-70 |
plectrum 49-50, 65-8, 70, 74 n.114 |
Plutarch, pseudo-5-6 |
Pollux 4 |
Polyidus 372, 381 |
Polymnestus 164, 334, 335 |
Porphyry 5 |
portamento avoided 43-4 |
Potamon 366 n.39 |
Pratinas 178, 179, 342, 343 |
prelude 205 |
prizes 368 |
processional 15, 28, 179 |
Proclus 6 |
professionalism 34-5 |
programme music 212-14 |
prokrousis 204 |
Pronomus 87, 106, 124 n.208, 366-7, Pl. 27 |
prophetic screaming 46 |
psalterion 74, 78, 225 n.19 |
psaltinx 60 |
Psellus 6 |
psilocitharist 69-70, 214 |
psithyra 128 |
pteron 111 n.133 |
Ptolemais 239 |
Ptolemy 5, 170-2, 232-3, 239-40, 241-2, 251-2 |
Ptolemy Philadelphus' Grand Procession 41 |
pyknon 162, 164, 194, 236, 262, 285, 286, 297 |
Pylades (citharode) 381 |
pyrrhiche 158 |
Pyrrhus of Erythrae 373 |
Pythagoras, Pythagoreans: |
construction of octave 176, 224 |
diatonic esteemed 165 |
mathematical harmonics 167, 233-5 |
monochord 80, 240 |
musical therapy 31-3, 246 |
Pythagoras of Zacynthus 226, 235 n.41 |
Pythagoras (explorer) 76 n.126, 80 n.145, 128 |
Pythaules 93 n.63 |
Pythermus 332 |
Pythian: |
auloi 93-4 |
festival 19, 30, 69, 212, 214, 337, 376, 380 |
kithara 59-60, 70 |
Pythikos nomos 212-14, 217, 292, 337, 380 |
Pythoclides 247 n.83, 350 |
Pythocritus 338 |
quarter-tones 79, 162-3, 166 n.22, 168-9, 225, 235 n.42, 264, 343 |
quintuple time, see paeonic rhythm; paion epibatos |
ragas 217 n.66 |
rattles 126, 127 |
reading music, not widespread 270-3 |
reed instruments 81-109 |
single/double reed 82-4 |
responsorial singing 45-6, 339-40, 388 |
rests 266 |
rhapsodes 18-19, 20, 340, 368, 375-6 |
see also epic song |