citharodes (cont.) |
Hellenistic and later 375-6, 377, 382 |
instrument 64 |
modes 352 |
performance technique 44, 68-9 |
status 35, 368 |
tunings 165, 171, 194-5 |
see also nomos |
clacking shells etc. 123 |
clappers 122-3, 124 n. 211 |
clarinet 81, 83-4 |
classification of instruments 48 |
Cleolas 106, 366 n.39 |
Cleomenes 349 |
Cleonides 5 |
comedy 40,41. 355 |
competitions 19-20, 35, 336-8, 373 |
conch 121 |
concords 160 |
physical explanation 8, 9 |
conjunct motion 191-2 |
conjunct tetrachords 160-1 |
Corinth 24, 339-40 |
Corybantic cult 105 |
Crete 29 n.84, 36, 141, 334, 377, 381 |
see also Minoans |
cretic rhythm 141 |
Crexus 359 |
Cybele, cult 91, 122, 124-5, 181 |
Cycladic civilization 70-1, 81-2, 110-11, 327 |
cyclic rhythm 135-6 |
cymbals 124 n.211, 125-6 |
Cyme 329, 331 |
Cyprus 19, 24, 46, 51, 70, 79, 82 n.7 |
dactyl 131, 135-6, 158, 243 |
iambic dactyl 137 |
dactylo-epitrite 151-2, 157, 217 n.65, 320, 353 |
daktylikon 59-60 |
daktylikoi auloi 94 |
Damon 31 n.89, 174, 181 n.81, 243-4, 246-7, 248-9, 30 |
Damonian scales 174-5, 176-8, 249, 285, 286 |
dancing: in armour 36, 158, 334 |
ethos of different dances 158, 247, 248 |
at festivals 14, 16-18, 20-1 |
instruments 14, 16, 24, 53, 123, 329, 336 |
paeonic 140-1, 334 |
part of the good life 13-14 |
private festivity 24-5 |
processional 15 |
Delphi 15, 17, 23, 41, 374-7, 380 |
see also Pythian festival |
Delphic Paeans 192, 195, 196-7, 199, 201, 202, 215, 274, 279-80, 288-301, 383 |
Democritus: |
of Abdera 243 |
of Chios 356 n. 2 |
'diagrams' 218 |
diastole 268-9 |
diatonic 161-2, 164-6, 167-71, 248, 250, 388-9, 390 |
soft 169, 170-1, 188n. 102, 256n.8 |
Didymus 169-70, 239, 240 |
diesis 167, 235-6 |
Diocles 128 |
Diodorus of Thebes 87 n. 29, 366 n.39 |
Diogenes of Seleucia 250 |
Dionysopolis 283 |
dirge 23-4, 94 n.66, 388 |
discords 160, 206 |
resolved 207 |
discs, tuned 128 |
diseme 131, 266-7 |
dishes, playing the 128 |
disjunction 161-2 |
disjunct tetrachords 160-1 |
dithyramb 16-17, 388 |
avant-gardism 349-50, 357-9, 363-6 |
Corinthian 339-40 |
Hellenistic 375, 381-2 |
instrumental prelude, interludes 205, 357 |
Lasus' innovations 343-4 |
modes 180-1, 184 n.94, 352 |
'ring-choruses' 20 |
vocal register 217 |
dochmiac 142-5, 153, 285, 287, 387 |
Dorian mode, key 174-5, 179-80, 181, 344, 347, 352 |
'Dorian' in Western music 186 n. 100 |
Dorion 369 |
double point(:) 267-8, 269 |
drum 124 |
dynamic/thetic 221 |
Echembrotus 337 |
education 36-8, 246, 248, 249, 253, 271, 380 |