COMOTTI, G., Music in Greek and Roman Culture (Baltimore and London, 1989). |
RIETHMÜLLER, A., and ZAMINER, F. (eds.), Musik im Altertum (Neues Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft, i, Laaber, 1989). |
PÖHLMANN, E., Denkmäler altgriechischer Musik (Nuremberg. 1970). Corpus of musical documents known up to 1970; for more recent items (and a couple overlooked by Pöhlmann) see Ch. 10, nos. 1, 4-6, 10-11, 14, 34-9, 45-50. |
JANUS (VON JAN), C., Musici scriptores Graeci: Aristoteles, Euclides, Nicomachus, Bacchius, Gaudentius, Alypius (Leipzig, 1895). 'Euclides' includes Cleonides. |
ZANONCELLI, L., La manualistica musicale greca (Milan, 1990). Jan's text of the Musici (above, omitting Aristotle) plus Italian translation and commentary. |
RITOÓK, Zs., Források az ókori görög zeneesztétika történetéhez (Budapest, 1982). A collection of excerpts from ancient authors on the philosophy and aesthetics of music (Greek and Hungarian). |
BARKER, A., Greek Musical Writings, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1984-9). Annotated translations of ps.-Plutarch, Aristoxenus, Euclid, Nicomachus, Ptolemy, Aristides Quintilianus, and numerous excerpts from Plato, Aristotle, Athenaeus, and other authors. |
ALCIDAMAS (?), Against the harmonikoi. PHib. 13. The Hibeh Papyri, Part I, ed. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt, London, 1906, 45-8; translated in Barker, GMW, i. 183-5; improved text in ZPE, 92 (1992), 16-23. |
ANONYMUS BELLERMANNI. Najock, D., Drei anonyme griechische Traktate fiber die Musik. Eine kommentierte Neuausgabe des Bellermannschen Anonymus (Kassel, 1972). |
Najock, D. (ed.), Anonyma de musica scripta Bellermanniana (Leipzig (Bibl. Teubn.), 1975). |
ARISTIDES QUINTILIANUS, De musica libri tres, ed. R. P. Winnington-Ingram (Leipzig (Bibl. Teubn.), 1963). |
Translation in Barker, GMW ii. 392-535. |
ARISTOTLE (Ps.-), Problems. Text of musical portions in Jan's Musici; translation of most in Barker, GMW i. 190-204; ii. 85-97. |
Gevaert, F., and Vollgraff, J. C., Problèmes musicaux d'Aristote. Texte grec avec traduction française, notes philologiques, commentaire musical et appendice (Ghent, 1903). |