Bibliographies, critical surveys |
BUCHHOLTZ, H., Bursians Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft 11 (1877), 1-33. |
VELKE, W., ibid. 15 (1878), 149-70. |
GUHRAUER, H., ibid. 28 (1881), 168-82, and 44 (1885), 1-35. |
VON JAN, C., ibid. 104 (1900), 1-75. |
GRAF, E., ibid. 118 (1903), 212-35. |
ABERT, H., ibid. 144 (1909), 1-74, and 193 (1922). 1-59. |
FELLERER, G., ibid. 246 (1935). |
WINNINGTON-INGRAM, R. P., Lustrum 3 (1958), 1-56, 259f. |
MATHIESEN, T. J., A Bibliography of Sources for the Study of Ancient Greek Music (Hackensack, NJ, 1974). |
Ancient Greek Musk' Theory.' A Catalogue Raisonè of Manuscripts (Rèpertoire international des sources musicales, B xi, Munich 1988). |
Annual bibliographies under the relevant heading in L'Annèe philologique. |
ENGEL, C., An Introduction to the Study of National Music (London, 1866). |
KUNST, J., Ethno-musicology, 3rd edn. (The Hague, 1959). |
SACHS, C., The Wellsprings of Music (The Hague, 1962). |
MERRIAM, A. P., The Anthropology of Music (Northwestern University Press, 1964). |
NETTL, B., Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology (Glencoe and London, 1964). |
Folk and Traditional Music of the Western Continents, 2nd edn. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1973). |
LOMAX, A, Folk Song Style and Culture (Washington, DC, 1968). |
WIORA, W., Ergebnisse und Aufgaben vergleichender Musikforschung (Darmstadt, 1975). |
GEVAERT, F. A., Histoire et théorie de la musique de l'antiquité, 2 vols. (Ghent, 1875-81). |