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Page 304
into two halves for melodic purposes. In the second hexameter (kai sophe-Paian) the tonic shifts from the original e to c; the music marches boldly up the C major scale and most of the way down again. Only at the final words pareste moi does it switch back to its initial allegiance. The melodic pattern of this line (eumeneis-moi) resembles that of the last line of 18, polyeimona kosmon helisson.
If the manuscripts are reliable there one touch of chromatic ornament, at Mousôn. As in 16, it is not quite certain whether the accidental note (N) should be interpreted in the Lydian context as 0304-001.gif or as 0304-002.gif. But Winnington-Ingram may well be right in thinking that it is a scribal error for M = g. No accidentals occur in the two longer Mesomedes pieces.
All these Mesomedes pieces are in the Lydian notation.
18 Mesomedes, Hymn to the Sun
(Original a tone higher)

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