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Page 294
The opening is pentatonic in character, like that of 12, mainly on the notes f a (tonic) b c', and descending firmly to e at the close of the section. Twice there is modulation from disjunct (b-e') to conjunct (0294-001.gif) tetrachords, both times with the sequence c' d'0294-002.gifa0294-003.gif. Dikóryphon offers the only violation in the paean of the melodic-accentual principles, no doubt for the sake of expressing the idea 'twin-peaked' musically (cf. on 12).
db1017e3fd9b6bbecd5f283ecd392883.gif db1017e3fd9b6bbecd5f283ecd392883.gif
(The whole vault of heaven rejoiced, the air held the tempests' swift courses in windless calm, and Nereus' thunderous swell abated, and mighty Ocean that surrounds the earth with his watery embrace.)
The melody plunges to B, only to leap up again. The emphasis shifts in this section from a to b, which changes its function from Lydian Paramese to Hypolydian Nete diezeugmenon, so that the scale down from it now runs a g0294-005.gife. There are occasional dives to B involving leaps of a fifth, octave, or minor ninth. Cadence on b.

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