questions about exemplification, which open into post-structuralist writings and into classical literature its reading and its construction as classical. Exemplification cannot be dispensed with as this essay has repeatedly . . . exemplified: it is a necessary ground of criticism. That criticism's necessary grounds are also open to question and fraught with difficulty is at least one very general point that can be extracted from this engagement with Derrida and Classics . . . |
This bibliography contains only the works referred to in my chapter. Since it is designed for English speakers I have always, where available and suitable, given a reference to the translations of works in languages other than English. The works marked with an asterisk are especially useful for those wishing to learn about Derrida and post-structuralism. |
Abel E. (ed.) (1982) Writing and Sexual Difference (Brighton: 1982). |
*Attridge D. (ed.) (1992) Jacques Derrida: Acts of Literature (London-New York: 1992). |
Austin J. (1962) How To Do Things With Words (Oxford: 1962). |
*Barthes R. (1975) S/Z (London: 1975), trans. A. Miller. |
(1975b) Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes (Paris: 1975). |
(1977) Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes (New York: 1977), trans. R. Howard. |
Benveniste E. (1971) "Analytical Philosophy and Language", in Problems of General Linguistics (Miami: 1971), trans. M. Meeks. |
Brennan T. (ed.) (1989) Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis (London-New York: 1989). |
Butler J. (1990) Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (New York-London: 1990). |
Caruth K. (1988) "The Force of Example: Kant's Symbols", Yale French Studies 74 (1988) 1737. |
Clark M. and Csapo E. (1991) "Deconstruction, Ideology and Goldhill's Aeschylus", Phoenix 45 (1991) 95125. |
Cole P. and Morgan J. (1975) Syntax and Semantics 3: Speech Acts (New York: 1975). |
Cropp M. (1988) Euripides: Electra (Warminster: 1988). |
*Culler J. (1983) On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism (London: 1983). |
*de Man P. (1979) Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke and Proust (New Haven-London: 1979). |
Denniston J. (1939) Euripides: Electra (Oxford: 1939). |
Derrida J. (1972) Marges de la Philosophie (Paris: 1972). [See Derrida 1982] |
(1975) "The purveyor of truth", Yale French Studies 52 (1975) 31113. |
* (1976) On Grammatology (Baltimore: 1976), trans. G. Spivak. |
* (1981) Positions (Chicago: 1981), trans. A. Blass. |
(1981b) "Economimesis", Diacritics 11.2 (1981) 325, trans. R. Klein. |
* (1981c) Dissemination (Chicago: 1981), trans. B. Johnson. |
* (1982) Margins of Philosophy (New York: 1982), trans. A. Bass. |
(1987) The Post Card: from Socrates to Freud and Beyond (Chicago: 1987), trans. A. Bass. |
* (1988) Limited Inc, ed. G. Graff (Evanston: 1988). |
(1992) "'Nous autres Grecs'", in Nos Grecs et leurs modernes, ed. B. Cassin (Paris: 1992). |
*Eagleton T. (1983) Literary Theory: an Introduction (Oxford: 1983). |
Eisenberger H. (1973) Studien zur Odyssee (Wiesbaden: 1973). |