The bibliography consists of the following rubrics: 1. introductions and collections, 2. narratology, 3. intertextuality, 4. reader-response, 5. feminist criticism, 6. psycho-analytical criticism, 7. structuralist, poststructuralist and semiotic criticism, and 8. dialectical and dialogic criticism. Each rubric is divided into a. theory and b. classical application. The bibliographies under a. are selective, providing the classical scholar a first orientation in otherwise vast areas of discussion; those under b. are more inclusive, although inevitably studies will have escaped our notice. Further specific guidance will be found in the individual bibliographies to each essay in this volume. |
Introductions and Collections |
Cohen R. (ed.) (1989) The Future of Literary Theory (New York-London: 1989). |
Collier P. and Geyer-Ryan H. (eds.) (1990) Literary Theory Today (Cambridge: 1990). |
Culler J. (1983) On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism (London: 1983). |
Davis R.C. and Finke L. (eds.) (1989) Literary Criticism and Theory: The Greeks to the Present (London-New York: 1989). |
Eagleton T. (1983) Literary Theory. An Introduction (Oxford: 1983). |
Lodge D. (ed.) (1988) Modern Criticism and Theory. A Reader (London-New York: 1988). |
Lentricchia F. and McLaughlin T. (eds.) (1990) Critical Terms for Literary Study (Chicago: 1990). |
Benjamin A. (ed.) (1988) Post-Structuralist Classics (London: 1988). |
Galinsky K. (1992) (ed.) The Interpretation of Roman Poetry: Empiricism or Hermeneutics? (Frankfurt am Main: 1992). |
Kennedy G. (1989) "Ancient Antecedents of Modern Literary Theory", American Journal of Philology 110 (1989) 492498. |
Kresic S. (ed.) (1981) Contemporary Literary Hermeneutics and Interpretation of Classical Texts (Ottawa: 1981). |
Peradotto J. (1983) "Texts and Unrefracted Facts: Philology, Hermeneutics and Semiotics", Arethusa 16 (1983) 1533. |
Rosenmeyer T.G. (1988) DEINA TA POLLA: A Classicist's Checklist of Twenty Literary-Critical Positions (Buffalo: 1988). |
Rubino C.A. (1977) "Lectio difficilior praeferenda est. Some Remarks on Contemporary French Thought and the Study of Classical Literature", Arethusa 10 (1977) 6384. |
Segal C. (1968) "Ancient Texts and Modern Criticism: Some Recent Trends in Classical Literary Studies", Arethusa 1 (1968) 125. |
(1984) "Classics and Comparative Literature", Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 13 (1984) 927. |
Selden D.L. (1990) "Classics and Contemporary Criticism", Arion; n.s. 1 (1990) 155178. |