which separates his own work from theirs.26 The result is a fascinating and original poem, of which Tennyson is alleged to have said: "I should be content to die if I had written anything equal to this." |
Barthes R. (1986) Le bruisement de la langue (Paris 1984); I quote the English translation by Richard Howard: The Rustle of Language (Oxford: 1986). The Death of the Author (4955) was first published in 1968; From Work to Text (5668) in 1971. |
Bonnanno M.G. (1986) "Sul finale dell' Ila: Theocritus XIII 7375", Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 24 (1986) 2936. |
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Claes P. (1988) Echo's Echo's. De kunst van de allusie (Amsterdam: 1988). |
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Köhnken A. (1965) Apollonios Rhodios und Theokrit (Göttingen: 1965). |
Kristeva J. (1980) : Recherches pour une sémanalyse (Paris: 1969); I quote the English translation in Desire in Language. A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art, ed. L.S. Roudiez (Oxford: 1980). Translated by T. Gora, A. Jardine and L.S. Roudiez. |
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Lyne R.O.A.M. (1987) Further Voices in Vergil's Aeneid (Oxford: 1987). |
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Pfister M. (1985) "Konzepte der Intertextualität", in Broich and Pfister (1985) 130. |
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Wilamowitz-Moellendorff U. von (1906) Die Textgeschichte der Griechischen Bukoliker (Berlin: 1906). |
26 To a certain extent this might be said of all the Idylls that are written in dactylic hexameters: the metre itself refers to the epic genre, though of course to Hesiod as well. But in the epyllia subject and language bring the confrontation more clearly to the fore. |